Title: merging changes from hub/final_energy_system_model branch in here
2024-02-07 20:49:27 -05:00
Title: merging changes from hub/final_energy_system_model branch in here
2024-02-07 20:33:46 -05:00
an attribute (heating_consumption_disaggregated) is added to building.py
2024-01-18 14:25:08 -05:00
a script named energy_system_sizing.py is created in the importers to size the energy system components. This is a very simple sizing process where we only size the heat pump and boiler for 60 and 40 percent of the maximum demand
The class SystemSimulation in system_simulation.py is created to contain all the simulation models of different archetypes.
main.py is modified to randomly assign base case systems to city and print the heating consumption, and then assign a new system to all buildings and calculate the heating consumption again
2024-01-17 13:10:39 -05:00
a script named energy_system_sizing.py is created in the importers to size the energy system components
2024-01-02 18:30:39 -05:00
fixed some small warnings
2023-12-28 18:41:08 -05:00
The error in montreal_custom_energy_system_parameters.py is fixed
Random assignation of systems to city buildings is done
2023-12-28 13:48:22 -05:00
geojson_creator.py is changed to a function getting x, y, and diff as input to generate the .geojson file
in main.py city is created and using ep_workflow.py the building demands are calculated and buildings are enriched.
2023-12-20 15:33:50 -05:00
first commit
2023-12-19 13:51:06 -05:00