""" export a city into Obj format SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group Project Coder Guille Gutierrez guillermo.gutierrezmorote@concordia.ca """ import math from pathlib import Path import numpy as np class Obj: """ Export to obj format """ def __init__(self, city, path): self._city = city self._path = path self._export() def _ground(self, coordinate): x = coordinate[0] - self._city.lower_corner[0] y = coordinate[1] - self._city.lower_corner[1] z = coordinate[2] - self._city.lower_corner[2] return x, y, z def _to_vertex(self, coordinate): x, y, z = self._ground(coordinate) return f'v {x} {z} {y}\n' def _to_texture_vertex(self, coordinate): u, v, _ = self._ground(coordinate) return f'vt {u} {v}\n' def _to_normal_vertex(self, coordinates): ground_vertex = [] for coordinate in coordinates: x, y, z = self._ground(coordinate) ground_vertex.append(np.array([x, y, z])) # recalculate the normal to get grounded values edge_1 = ground_vertex[1] - ground_vertex[0] edge_2 = ground_vertex[2] - ground_vertex[0] normal = np.cross(edge_1, edge_2) normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal) return f'vn {normal[0]} {normal[1]} {normal[2]}\n' def _export(self): if self._city.name is None: self._city.name = 'unknown_city' obj_name = f'{self._city.name}.obj' mtl_name = f'{self._city.name}.mtl' obj_file_path = (Path(self._path).resolve() / obj_name).resolve() mtl_file_path = (Path(self._path).resolve() / mtl_name).resolve() with open(mtl_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as mtl: mtl.write("newmtl cerc_base_material\n") mtl.write("Ka 1.0 1.0 1.0 # Ambient color (white)\n") mtl.write("Kd 0.3 0.8 0.3 # Diffuse color (greenish)\n") mtl.write("Ks 1.0 1.0 1.0 # Specular color (white)\n") mtl.write("Ns 400.0 # Specular exponent (defines shininess)\n") vertices = {} normals_index = {} faces = [] vertex_index = 0 normal_index = 0 with open(obj_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as obj: obj.write("# cerc-hub export\n") obj.write(f'mtllib {mtl_name}') for building in self._city.buildings: obj.write(f'# building {building.name}\n') obj.write(f'g {building.name}\n') obj.write('s off\n') for surface in building.surfaces: obj.write(f'# surface {surface.name}\n') face = [] normal = self._to_normal_vertex(surface.perimeter_polygon.coordinates) normal_index += 1 textures = [] for coordinate in surface.perimeter_polygon.coordinates: vertex = self._to_vertex(coordinate) if vertex not in vertices: vertex_index += 1 vertices[vertex] = vertex_index current = vertex_index obj.write(vertex) textures.append(self._to_texture_vertex(coordinate)) # only append if non-existing else: current = vertices[vertex] face.insert(0, f'{current}/{current}/{normal_index}') # insert counterclockwise obj.writelines(normal) # add the normal obj.writelines(textures) # add the texture vertex faces.append(f"f {' '.join(face)}\n") obj.writelines(faces) faces = []