'use strict'; var assert = require('chai').assert; var sinon = require('sinon'); var assign = require('lodash/assign'); var pick = require('lodash/pick'); // Deliberate: node and 3rd party modules before global-tunnel var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var net = require('net'); var tls = require('tls'); var http = require('http'); var globalHttpAgent = http.globalAgent; var https = require('https'); var globalHttpsAgent = https.globalAgent; var request = require('request'); // Deliberate: load after all 3rd party modules var globalTunnel = require('../index'); function newFakeAgent() { var fakeAgent = { addRequest: sinon.stub() }; return fakeAgent; } // This function replaces 'host' by 'hostname' in the options for http.request() // background: http.request() allows to use either 'host' or 'hostname' to be used, // both needs to be tested function replaceHostByHostname(useHostname, options) { if (useHostname) { options.hostname = options.host; delete options.host; } return options; } var origEnv; function saveEnv() { origEnv = process.env.http_proxy; delete process.env.http_proxy; } function restoreEnv() { if (origEnv !== undefined) { process.env.http_proxy = origEnv; // eslint-disable-line camelcase } } describe('global-proxy', function() { // Save and restore http_proxy environment variable (yes, it's lower-case by // convention). before(saveEnv); after(restoreEnv); // Sinon setup & teardown var sandbox; var origHttpCreateConnection; before(function() { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); sandbox.stub(globalHttpAgent, 'addRequest'); sandbox.stub(globalHttpsAgent, 'addRequest'); assert.equal(http.Agent.prototype.addRequest, https.Agent.prototype.addRequest); sandbox.spy(http.Agent.prototype, 'addRequest'); sandbox.stub(net, 'createConnection').callsFake(function() { return new EventEmitter(); }); sandbox.stub(tls, 'connect').callsFake(function() { return new EventEmitter(); }); // This is needed as at some point Node HTTP aggent implementation started // plucking the createConnection method from the `net` module // instead of doing `net.createConnection` origHttpCreateConnection = http.Agent.prototype.createConnection; http.Agent.prototype.createConnection = net.createConnection; }); afterEach(function() { sandbox.resetHistory(); }); after(function() { sandbox.restore(); http.Agent.prototype.createConnection = origHttpCreateConnection; }); describe('invalid configs', function() { it('requires a host', function() { var conf = { host: null, port: 1234 }; assert.throws(function() { globalTunnel.initialize(conf); }, 'upstream proxy host is required'); globalTunnel.end(); }); it('requires a port', function() { var conf = { host: '', port: 0 }; assert.throws(function() { globalTunnel.initialize(conf); }, 'upstream proxy port is required'); globalTunnel.end(); }); it('clamps tunnel types', function() { var conf = { host: '', port: 1234, connect: 'INVALID' }; assert.throws(function() { globalTunnel.initialize(conf); }, 'valid connect options are "neither", "https", or "both"'); globalTunnel.end(); }); }); describe('exposed config', function() { afterEach(function() { globalTunnel.end(); }); it('has the same params as the passed config', function() { var conf = { host: 'proxy.com', port: 1234, proxyAuth: 'user:pwd', protocol: 'https:' }; globalTunnel.initialize(conf); assert.deepEqual( conf, pick(globalTunnel.proxyConfig, ['host', 'port', 'proxyAuth', 'protocol']) ); }); it('has the expected defaults', function() { var conf = { host: 'proxy.com', port: 1234, proxyAuth: 'user:pwd' }; globalTunnel.initialize(conf); assert.equal(globalTunnel.proxyConfig.protocol, 'http:'); }); }); describe('stringified config', function() { afterEach(function() { globalTunnel.end(); }); it('has the same params as the passed config', function() { var conf = { host: 'proxy.com', port: 1234, proxyAuth: 'user:pwd', protocol: 'https' }; globalTunnel.initialize(conf); assert.equal(globalTunnel.proxyUrl, 'https://user:pwd@proxy.com:1234'); }); it('encodes url', function() { var conf = { host: 'proxy.com', port: 1234, proxyAuth: 'user:4P@S$W0_r-D', protocol: 'https' }; globalTunnel.initialize(conf); assert.equal(globalTunnel.proxyUrl, 'https://user:4P%40S%24W0_r-D@proxy.com:1234'); }); }); function proxyEnabledTests(testParams) { function connected(innerProto) { var innerSecure = innerProto === 'https:'; var called; if (testParams.isHttpsProxy) { called = tls.connect; sinon.assert.notCalled(net.createConnection); } else { called = net.createConnection; sinon.assert.notCalled(tls.connect); } sinon.assert.calledOnce(called); if (typeof called.getCall(0).args[0] === 'object') { sinon.assert.calledWith(called, sinon.match.has('port', testParams.port)); sinon.assert.calledWith(called, sinon.match.has('host', '')); } else { sinon.assert.calledWith(called, testParams.port, ''); } var isCONNECT = testParams.connect === 'both' || (innerSecure && testParams.connect === 'https'); if (isCONNECT) { var expectConnect = 'example.dev:' + (innerSecure ? 443 : 80); var whichAgent = innerSecure ? https.globalAgent : http.globalAgent; sinon.assert.calledOnce(whichAgent.request); sinon.assert.calledWith(whichAgent.request, sinon.match.has('method', 'CONNECT')); sinon.assert.calledWith( whichAgent.request, sinon.match.has('path', expectConnect) ); } else { sinon.assert.calledOnce(http.Agent.prototype.addRequest); var req = http.Agent.prototype.addRequest.getCall(0).args[0]; var method = req.method; assert.equal(method, 'GET'); var path = req.path; if (innerSecure) { assert.match(path, new RegExp('^https://example\\.dev:443/')); } else { assert.match(path, new RegExp('^http://example\\.dev:80/')); } } } var localSandbox; beforeEach(function() { localSandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); if (testParams.connect === 'both') { localSandbox.spy(http.globalAgent, 'request'); } if (testParams.connect !== 'neither') { localSandbox.spy(https.globalAgent, 'request'); } }); afterEach(function() { localSandbox.restore(); }); it('(got proxying set up)', function() { assert.isTrue(globalTunnel.isProxying); }); describe('with the request library', function() { it('will proxy http requests', function(done) { assert.isTrue(globalTunnel.isProxying); var dummyCb = sinon.stub(); request.get('http://example.dev/', dummyCb); setImmediate(function() { connected('http:'); sinon.assert.notCalled(globalHttpAgent.addRequest); sinon.assert.notCalled(globalHttpsAgent.addRequest); done(); }); }); it('will proxy https requests', function(done) { assert.isTrue(globalTunnel.isProxying); var dummyCb = sinon.stub(); request.get('https://example.dev/', dummyCb); setImmediate(function() { connected('https:'); sinon.assert.notCalled(globalHttpAgent.addRequest); sinon.assert.notCalled(globalHttpsAgent.addRequest); done(); }); }); }); describe('using raw request interface', function() { function rawRequest(useHostname) { var req = http.request( replaceHostByHostname(useHostname, { method: 'GET', path: '/raw-http', host: 'example.dev' }), function() {} ); req.end(); connected('http:'); sinon.assert.notCalled(globalHttpAgent.addRequest); sinon.assert.notCalled(globalHttpsAgent.addRequest); } it('will proxy http requests (`host`)', function() { rawRequest(false); }); it('will proxy http requests (`hostname`)', function() { rawRequest(true); }); it('will proxy https requests', function() { var req = https.request( replaceHostByHostname(false, { method: 'GET', path: '/raw-https', host: 'example.dev' }), function() {} ); req.end(); connected('https:'); sinon.assert.notCalled(globalHttpAgent.addRequest); sinon.assert.notCalled(globalHttpsAgent.addRequest); }); it('request respects explicit agent param', function() { var agent = newFakeAgent(); var req = http.request( replaceHostByHostname(false, { method: 'GET', path: '/raw-http-w-agent', host: 'example.dev', agent: agent }), function() {} ); req.end(); sinon.assert.notCalled(globalHttpAgent.addRequest); sinon.assert.notCalled(globalHttpsAgent.addRequest); sinon.assert.notCalled(net.createConnection); sinon.assert.notCalled(tls.connect); sinon.assert.calledOnce(agent.addRequest); }); describe('request with `null` agent and defined `createConnection`', function() { before(function() { sinon.stub(http.ClientRequest.prototype, 'onSocket'); }); after(function() { http.ClientRequest.prototype.onSocket.restore(); }); function noAgent(useHostname) { var createConnection = sinon.stub(); var req = http.request( replaceHostByHostname(useHostname, { method: 'GET', path: '/no-agent', host: 'example.dev', agent: null, createConnection: createConnection }), function() {} // eslint-disable-line max-nested-callbacks ); req.end(); sinon.assert.notCalled(globalHttpAgent.addRequest); sinon.assert.notCalled(globalHttpsAgent.addRequest); sinon.assert.calledOnce(createConnection); } it('uses no agent (`host`)', function() { noAgent(false); }); it('uses no agent (`hostname`)', function() { noAgent(true); }); }); }); } function enabledBlock(conf, testParams) { before(function() { globalTunnel.initialize(conf); }); after(function() { globalTunnel.end(); }); testParams = assign( { port: conf && conf.port, isHttpsProxy: conf && conf.protocol === 'https:', connect: (conf && conf.connect) || 'https' }, testParams ); proxyEnabledTests(testParams); } describe('with http proxy in intercept mode', function() { enabledBlock({ connect: 'neither', protocol: 'http:', host: '', port: 3333 }); }); describe('with https proxy in intercept mode', function() { enabledBlock({ connect: 'neither', protocol: 'https:', host: '', port: 3334 }); }); describe('with http proxy in CONNECT mode', function() { enabledBlock({ connect: 'both', protocol: 'http:', host: '', port: 3335 }); }); describe('with https proxy in CONNECT mode', function() { enabledBlock({ connect: 'both', protocol: 'https:', host: '', port: 3336 }); }); describe('with http proxy in mixed mode', function() { enabledBlock({ protocol: 'http:', host: '', port: 3337 }); }); describe('with https proxy in mixed mode', function() { enabledBlock({ protocol: 'https:', host: '', port: 3338 }); }); describe('using env var', function() { after(function() { delete process.env.http_proxy; assert.isUndefined(process.env.http_proxy); }); describe('for http', function() { before(function() { process.env.http_proxy = ''; // eslint-disable-line camelcase }); enabledBlock(null, { isHttpsProxy: false, connect: 'https', port: 1234 }); }); describe('for https', function() { before(function() { process.env.http_proxy = ''; // eslint-disable-line camelcase }); enabledBlock(null, { isHttpsProxy: true, connect: 'https', port: 1235 }); }); }); describe('using npm config', function() { var expectedProxy = { isHttpsProxy: false, connect: 'https', port: 1234 }; var npmConfig = { get: function() {} }; var npmConfigStub = sinon.stub(npmConfig, 'get'); function configNpm(key, value) { return function() { global.__GLOBAL_TUNNEL_DEPENDENCY_NPMCONF__ = function() { return npmConfig; }; npmConfigStub.withArgs(key).returns(value || ''); }; } after(function() { global.__GLOBAL_TUNNEL_DEPENDENCY_NPMCONF__ = undefined; }); describe('https-proxy', function() { before(configNpm('https-proxy')); enabledBlock(null, expectedProxy); }); describe('http-proxy', function() { before(configNpm('http-proxy')); enabledBlock(null, expectedProxy); }); describe('proxy', function() { before(configNpm('proxy')); enabledBlock(null, expectedProxy); }); describe('order', function() { before(function() { configNpm('proxy')(); configNpm('https-proxy', '')(); configNpm('http-proxy')(); }); enabledBlock(null, { isHttpsProxy: false, connect: 'https', port: 12345 }); }); describe('also using env var', function() { before(function() { configNpm('proxy')(); process.env.http_proxy = ''; // eslint-disable-line camelcase }); after(function() { delete process.env.http_proxy; }); enabledBlock(null, expectedProxy); }); }); // Deliberately after the block above describe('with proxy disabled', function() { it('claims to be disabled', function() { assert.isFalse(globalTunnel.isProxying); }); it('will NOT proxy http requests', function(done) { var dummyCb = sinon.stub(); request.get('http://example.dev/', dummyCb); setImmediate(function() { sinon.assert.calledOnce(globalHttpAgent.addRequest); sinon.assert.notCalled(globalHttpsAgent.addRequest); done(); }); }); it('will NOT proxy https requests', function(done) { var dummyCb = sinon.stub(); request.get('https://example.dev/', dummyCb); setImmediate(function() { sinon.assert.notCalled(globalHttpAgent.addRequest); sinon.assert.calledOnce(globalHttpsAgent.addRequest); done(); }); }); }); });