""" Test db factory SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group Project Coder Peter Yefi peteryefi@gmail.com """ import distutils.spawn import glob import json import logging import os import subprocess import unittest from pathlib import Path from unittest import TestCase import sqlalchemy.exc from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.exc import ProgrammingError import hub.helpers.constants as cte from hub.exports.energy_building_exports_factory import EnergyBuildingsExportsFactory from hub.exports.exports_factory import ExportsFactory from hub.helpers.data.montreal_function_to_hub_function import MontrealFunctionToHubFunction from hub.imports.construction_factory import ConstructionFactory from hub.imports.energy_systems_factory import EnergySystemsFactory from hub.imports.geometry_factory import GeometryFactory from hub.imports.results_factory import ResultFactory from hub.imports.usage_factory import UsageFactory from hub.imports.weather_factory import WeatherFactory from hub.persistence.db_control import DBControl from hub.persistence.models import City, Application, CityObject, SimulationResults from hub.persistence.models import User, UserRoles from hub.persistence.repository import Repository class Control: _skip_test = False _skip_reason = 'PostgreSQL not properly installed in host machine' def __init__(self): """ Test setup :return: None """ self._skip_test = False # Create test database dotenv_path = Path("{}/.local/etc/hub/.env".format(os.path.expanduser('~'))).resolve() if not dotenv_path.exists(): self._skip_test = True self._skip_reason = f'.env file missing at {dotenv_path}' return dotenv_path = str(dotenv_path) repository = Repository(db_name='montreal_retrofit_test', app_env='TEST', dotenv_path=dotenv_path) engine = create_engine(repository.configuration.connection_string) try: # delete test database if it exists connection = engine.connect() connection.close() except ProgrammingError: logging.info('Database does not exist. Nothing to delete') except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError as operational_error: self._skip_test = True self._skip_reason = f'{operational_error}' return self._database = DBControl( db_name=repository.configuration.db_name, app_env='TEST', dotenv_path=dotenv_path) self._application_uuid = '60b7fc1b-f389-4254-9ffd-22a4cf32c7a3' self._application_id = 1 self._user_id = 1 self._pickle_path = 'tests_data/pickle_path.bz2' @property def database(self): return self._database @property def application_uuid(self): return self._application_uuid @property def application_id(self): return self._application_id @property def user_id(self): return self._user_id @property def skip_test(self): return self._skip_test @property def insel(self): return distutils.spawn.find_executable('insel') @property def sra(self): return distutils.spawn.find_executable('sra') @property def skip_insel_test(self): return self.insel is None @property def skip_reason(self): return self._skip_reason @property def message(self): return self._skip_reason @property def pickle_path(self): return self._pickle_path control = Control() class TestDBFactory(TestCase): """ TestDBFactory """ @unittest.skipIf(control.skip_test, control.skip_reason) def test_retrieve_results(self): request_values = { "scenarios": [ { "current status": ["01002777", "01002773", "01036804"] }, { "skin retrofit": ["01002777", "01002773", "01036804"] }, { "system retrofit and pv": ["01002777", "01002773", "01036804"] }, { "skin and system retrofit with pv": ["01002777", "01002773", "01036804"] } ] } results = control.database.results(control.user_id, control.application_id, request_values) print(results)