!- Windows Line endings 

    9.5;                      !- Version Identifier

    No,                       !- Do Zone Sizing Calculation
    No,                       !- Do System Sizing Calculation
    No,                       !- Do Plant Sizing Calculation
    No,                       !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods
    Yes,                      !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods
    No,                       !- Do HVAC Sizing Simulation for Sizing Periods
    1;                        !- Maximum Number of HVAC Sizing Simulation Passes

    Buildings in b'Montreal',    !- Name
    0,                        !- North Axis
    Suburbs,                  !- Terrain
    0.04,                     !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
    0.4,                      !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value
    FullExterior,             !- Solar Distribution
    25,                       !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
    6;                        !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days

    4;                        !- Number of Timesteps per Hour

    Run Period 1,             !- Name
    1,                        !- Begin Month
    1,                        !- Begin Day of Month
    ,                         !- Begin Year
    12,                       !- End Month
    31,                       !- End Day of Month
    ,                         !- End Year
    Tuesday,                  !- Day of Week for Start Day
    Yes,                      !- Use Weather File Holidays and Special Days
    Yes,                      !- Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period
    No,                       !- Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
    Yes,                      !- Use Weather File Rain Indicators
    Yes;                      !- Use Weather File Snow Indicators

    Any Number,               !- Name
    ,                         !- Lower Limit Value
    ,                         !- Upper Limit Value
    ,                         !- Numeric Type
    Dimensionless;            !- Unit Type

    Fraction,                 !- Name
    0,                        !- Lower Limit Value
    1,                        !- Upper Limit Value
    Continuous,               !- Numeric Type
    Dimensionless;            !- Unit Type

    On/Off,                   !- Name
    0,                        !- Lower Limit Value
    1,                        !- Upper Limit Value
    Discrete,                 !- Numeric Type
    Dimensionless;            !- Unit Type

    Infiltration schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Name
    Fraction,                 !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,           !- Field 1
    For: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday,    !- Field 2
    Until: 01:00,0.0,         !- Field 3
    Until: 02:00,0.0,         !- Field 4
    Until: 03:00,0.0,         !- Field 5
    Until: 04:00,0.0,         !- Field 6
    Until: 05:00,0.0,         !- Field 7
    Until: 06:00,0.0,         !- Field 8
    Until: 07:00,0.0,         !- Field 9
    Until: 08:00,0.0,         !- Field 10
    Until: 09:00,0.0,         !- Field 11
    Until: 10:00,0.0,         !- Field 12
    Until: 11:00,0.0,         !- Field 13
    Until: 12:00,0.0,         !- Field 14
    Until: 13:00,0.0,         !- Field 15
    Until: 14:00,0.0,         !- Field 16
    Until: 15:00,0.0,         !- Field 17
    Until: 16:00,0.0,         !- Field 18
    Until: 17:00,0.0,         !- Field 19
    Until: 18:00,0.0,         !- Field 20
    Until: 19:00,0.0,         !- Field 21
    Until: 20:00,0.0,         !- Field 22
    Until: 21:00,0.0,         !- Field 23
    Until: 22:00,0.0,         !- Field 24
    Until: 23:00,0.0,         !- Field 25
    Until: 24:00,0.0,         !- Field 26
    For: Saturday,            !- Field 27
    Until: 01:00,0.0,         !- Field 28
    Until: 02:00,0.0,         !- Field 29
    Until: 03:00,0.0,         !- Field 30
    Until: 04:00,0.0,         !- Field 31
    Until: 05:00,0.0,         !- Field 32
    Until: 06:00,0.0,         !- Field 33
    Until: 07:00,0.0,         !- Field 34
    Until: 08:00,0.0,         !- Field 35
    Until: 09:00,0.0,         !- Field 36
    Until: 10:00,0.0,         !- Field 37
    Until: 11:00,0.0,         !- Field 38
    Until: 12:00,0.0,         !- Field 39
    Until: 13:00,0.0,         !- Field 40
    Until: 14:00,0.0,         !- Field 41
    Until: 15:00,0.0,         !- Field 42
    Until: 16:00,0.0,         !- Field 43
    Until: 17:00,0.0,         !- Field 44
    Until: 18:00,0.0,         !- Field 45
    Until: 19:00,0.0,         !- Field 46
    Until: 20:00,0.0,         !- Field 47
    Until: 21:00,0.0,         !- Field 48
    Until: 22:00,0.0,         !- Field 49
    Until: 23:00,0.0,         !- Field 50
    Until: 24:00,0.0,         !- Field 51
    For: Sunday Holidays,     !- Field 52
    Until: 01:00,0.0,         !- Field 53
    Until: 02:00,0.0,         !- Field 54
    Until: 03:00,0.0,         !- Field 55
    Until: 04:00,0.0,         !- Field 56
    Until: 05:00,0.0,         !- Field 57
    Until: 06:00,0.0,         !- Field 58
    Until: 07:00,0.0,         !- Field 59
    Until: 08:00,0.0,         !- Field 60
    Until: 09:00,0.0,         !- Field 61
    Until: 10:00,0.0,         !- Field 62
    Until: 11:00,0.0,         !- Field 63
    Until: 12:00,0.0,         !- Field 64
    Until: 13:00,0.0,         !- Field 65
    Until: 14:00,0.0,         !- Field 66
    Until: 15:00,0.0,         !- Field 67
    Until: 16:00,0.0,         !- Field 68
    Until: 17:00,0.0,         !- Field 69
    Until: 18:00,0.0,         !- Field 70
    Until: 19:00,0.0,         !- Field 71
    Until: 20:00,0.0,         !- Field 72
    Until: 21:00,0.0,         !- Field 73
    Until: 22:00,0.0,         !- Field 74
    Until: 23:00,0.0,         !- Field 75
    Until: 24:00,0.0,         !- Field 76
    For AllOtherDays,         !- Field 77
    Until: 24:00,0.0;         !- Field 78

    Ventilation schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Name
    on/off,                   !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,           !- Field 1
    For: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday,    !- Field 2
    Until: 01:00,1.0,         !- Field 3
    Until: 02:00,1.0,         !- Field 4
    Until: 03:00,1.0,         !- Field 5
    Until: 04:00,1.0,         !- Field 6
    Until: 05:00,1.0,         !- Field 7
    Until: 06:00,1.0,         !- Field 8
    Until: 07:00,1.0,         !- Field 9
    Until: 08:00,1.0,         !- Field 10
    Until: 09:00,1.0,         !- Field 11
    Until: 10:00,1.0,         !- Field 12
    Until: 11:00,1.0,         !- Field 13
    Until: 12:00,1.0,         !- Field 14
    Until: 13:00,1.0,         !- Field 15
    Until: 14:00,1.0,         !- Field 16
    Until: 15:00,1.0,         !- Field 17
    Until: 16:00,1.0,         !- Field 18
    Until: 17:00,1.0,         !- Field 19
    Until: 18:00,1.0,         !- Field 20
    Until: 19:00,1.0,         !- Field 21
    Until: 20:00,1.0,         !- Field 22
    Until: 21:00,1.0,         !- Field 23
    Until: 22:00,1.0,         !- Field 24
    Until: 23:00,1.0,         !- Field 25
    Until: 24:00,1.0,         !- Field 26
    For: Saturday,            !- Field 27
    Until: 01:00,1.0,         !- Field 28
    Until: 02:00,1.0,         !- Field 29
    Until: 03:00,1.0,         !- Field 30
    Until: 04:00,1.0,         !- Field 31
    Until: 05:00,1.0,         !- Field 32
    Until: 06:00,1.0,         !- Field 33
    Until: 07:00,1.0,         !- Field 34
    Until: 08:00,1.0,         !- Field 35
    Until: 09:00,1.0,         !- Field 36
    Until: 10:00,1.0,         !- Field 37
    Until: 11:00,1.0,         !- Field 38
    Until: 12:00,1.0,         !- Field 39
    Until: 13:00,1.0,         !- Field 40
    Until: 14:00,1.0,         !- Field 41
    Until: 15:00,1.0,         !- Field 42
    Until: 16:00,1.0,         !- Field 43
    Until: 17:00,1.0,         !- Field 44
    Until: 18:00,1.0,         !- Field 45
    Until: 19:00,1.0,         !- Field 46
    Until: 20:00,1.0,         !- Field 47
    Until: 21:00,1.0,         !- Field 48
    Until: 22:00,1.0,         !- Field 49
    Until: 23:00,1.0,         !- Field 50
    Until: 24:00,1.0,         !- Field 51
    For: Sunday Holidays,     !- Field 52
    Until: 01:00,1.0,         !- Field 53
    Until: 02:00,1.0,         !- Field 54
    Until: 03:00,1.0,         !- Field 55
    Until: 04:00,1.0,         !- Field 56
    Until: 05:00,1.0,         !- Field 57
    Until: 06:00,1.0,         !- Field 58
    Until: 07:00,1.0,         !- Field 59
    Until: 08:00,1.0,         !- Field 60
    Until: 09:00,1.0,         !- Field 61
    Until: 10:00,1.0,         !- Field 62
    Until: 11:00,1.0,         !- Field 63
    Until: 12:00,1.0,         !- Field 64
    Until: 13:00,1.0,         !- Field 65
    Until: 14:00,1.0,         !- Field 66
    Until: 15:00,1.0,         !- Field 67
    Until: 16:00,1.0,         !- Field 68
    Until: 17:00,1.0,         !- Field 69
    Until: 18:00,1.0,         !- Field 70
    Until: 19:00,1.0,         !- Field 71
    Until: 20:00,1.0,         !- Field 72
    Until: 21:00,1.0,         !- Field 73
    Until: 22:00,1.0,         !- Field 74
    Until: 23:00,1.0,         !- Field 75
    Until: 24:00,1.0,         !- Field 76
    For AllOtherDays,         !- Field 77
    Until: 24:00,0.0;         !- Field 78

    Occupancy schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Name
    Fraction,                 !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,           !- Field 1
    For: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday,    !- Field 2
    Until: 01:00,0.9,         !- Field 3
    Until: 02:00,0.9,         !- Field 4
    Until: 03:00,0.9,         !- Field 5
    Until: 04:00,0.9,         !- Field 6
    Until: 05:00,0.9,         !- Field 7
    Until: 06:00,0.9,         !- Field 8
    Until: 07:00,0.9,         !- Field 9
    Until: 08:00,0.7,         !- Field 10
    Until: 09:00,0.4,         !- Field 11
    Until: 10:00,0.3,         !- Field 12
    Until: 11:00,0.3,         !- Field 13
    Until: 12:00,0.3,         !- Field 14
    Until: 13:00,0.3,         !- Field 15
    Until: 14:00,0.3,         !- Field 16
    Until: 15:00,0.3,         !- Field 17
    Until: 16:00,0.3,         !- Field 18
    Until: 17:00,0.3,         !- Field 19
    Until: 18:00,0.5,         !- Field 20
    Until: 19:00,0.9,         !- Field 21
    Until: 20:00,0.9,         !- Field 22
    Until: 21:00,0.9,         !- Field 23
    Until: 22:00,0.9,         !- Field 24
    Until: 23:00,0.9,         !- Field 25
    Until: 24:00,0.9,         !- Field 26
    For: Saturday,            !- Field 27
    Until: 01:00,0.9,         !- Field 28
    Until: 02:00,0.9,         !- Field 29
    Until: 03:00,0.9,         !- Field 30
    Until: 04:00,0.9,         !- Field 31
    Until: 05:00,0.9,         !- Field 32
    Until: 06:00,0.9,         !- Field 33
    Until: 07:00,0.9,         !- Field 34
    Until: 08:00,0.7,         !- Field 35
    Until: 09:00,0.5,         !- Field 36
    Until: 10:00,0.5,         !- Field 37
    Until: 11:00,0.5,         !- Field 38
    Until: 12:00,0.5,         !- Field 39
    Until: 13:00,0.5,         !- Field 40
    Until: 14:00,0.5,         !- Field 41
    Until: 15:00,0.5,         !- Field 42
    Until: 16:00,0.5,         !- Field 43
    Until: 17:00,0.5,         !- Field 44
    Until: 18:00,0.7,         !- Field 45
    Until: 19:00,0.9,         !- Field 46
    Until: 20:00,0.9,         !- Field 47
    Until: 21:00,0.9,         !- Field 48
    Until: 22:00,0.9,         !- Field 49
    Until: 23:00,0.9,         !- Field 50
    Until: 24:00,0.9,         !- Field 51
    For: Sunday Holidays,     !- Field 52
    Until: 01:00,0.9,         !- Field 53
    Until: 02:00,0.9,         !- Field 54
    Until: 03:00,0.9,         !- Field 55
    Until: 04:00,0.9,         !- Field 56
    Until: 05:00,0.9,         !- Field 57
    Until: 06:00,0.9,         !- Field 58
    Until: 07:00,0.9,         !- Field 59
    Until: 08:00,0.7,         !- Field 60
    Until: 09:00,0.5,         !- Field 61
    Until: 10:00,0.5,         !- Field 62
    Until: 11:00,0.5,         !- Field 63
    Until: 12:00,0.5,         !- Field 64
    Until: 13:00,0.5,         !- Field 65
    Until: 14:00,0.5,         !- Field 66
    Until: 15:00,0.5,         !- Field 67
    Until: 16:00,0.5,         !- Field 68
    Until: 17:00,0.5,         !- Field 69
    Until: 18:00,0.7,         !- Field 70
    Until: 19:00,0.9,         !- Field 71
    Until: 20:00,0.9,         !- Field 72
    Until: 21:00,0.9,         !- Field 73
    Until: 22:00,0.9,         !- Field 74
    Until: 23:00,0.9,         !- Field 75
    Until: 24:00,0.9,         !- Field 76
    For AllOtherDays,         !- Field 77
    Until: 24:00,0.0;         !- Field 78

    HVAC AVAIL schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Name
    on/off,                   !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,           !- Field 1
    For: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday,    !- Field 2
    Until: 01:00,1.0,         !- Field 3
    Until: 02:00,1.0,         !- Field 4
    Until: 03:00,1.0,         !- Field 5
    Until: 04:00,1.0,         !- Field 6
    Until: 05:00,1.0,         !- Field 7
    Until: 06:00,1.0,         !- Field 8
    Until: 07:00,1.0,         !- Field 9
    Until: 08:00,1.0,         !- Field 10
    Until: 09:00,1.0,         !- Field 11
    Until: 10:00,1.0,         !- Field 12
    Until: 11:00,1.0,         !- Field 13
    Until: 12:00,1.0,         !- Field 14
    Until: 13:00,1.0,         !- Field 15
    Until: 14:00,1.0,         !- Field 16
    Until: 15:00,1.0,         !- Field 17
    Until: 16:00,1.0,         !- Field 18
    Until: 17:00,1.0,         !- Field 19
    Until: 18:00,1.0,         !- Field 20
    Until: 19:00,1.0,         !- Field 21
    Until: 20:00,1.0,         !- Field 22
    Until: 21:00,1.0,         !- Field 23
    Until: 22:00,1.0,         !- Field 24
    Until: 23:00,1.0,         !- Field 25
    Until: 24:00,1.0,         !- Field 26
    For: Saturday,            !- Field 27
    Until: 01:00,1.0,         !- Field 28
    Until: 02:00,1.0,         !- Field 29
    Until: 03:00,1.0,         !- Field 30
    Until: 04:00,1.0,         !- Field 31
    Until: 05:00,1.0,         !- Field 32
    Until: 06:00,1.0,         !- Field 33
    Until: 07:00,1.0,         !- Field 34
    Until: 08:00,1.0,         !- Field 35
    Until: 09:00,1.0,         !- Field 36
    Until: 10:00,1.0,         !- Field 37
    Until: 11:00,1.0,         !- Field 38
    Until: 12:00,1.0,         !- Field 39
    Until: 13:00,1.0,         !- Field 40
    Until: 14:00,1.0,         !- Field 41
    Until: 15:00,1.0,         !- Field 42
    Until: 16:00,1.0,         !- Field 43
    Until: 17:00,1.0,         !- Field 44
    Until: 18:00,1.0,         !- Field 45
    Until: 19:00,1.0,         !- Field 46
    Until: 20:00,1.0,         !- Field 47
    Until: 21:00,1.0,         !- Field 48
    Until: 22:00,1.0,         !- Field 49
    Until: 23:00,1.0,         !- Field 50
    Until: 24:00,1.0,         !- Field 51
    For: Sunday Holidays,     !- Field 52
    Until: 01:00,1.0,         !- Field 53
    Until: 02:00,1.0,         !- Field 54
    Until: 03:00,1.0,         !- Field 55
    Until: 04:00,1.0,         !- Field 56
    Until: 05:00,1.0,         !- Field 57
    Until: 06:00,1.0,         !- Field 58
    Until: 07:00,1.0,         !- Field 59
    Until: 08:00,1.0,         !- Field 60
    Until: 09:00,1.0,         !- Field 61
    Until: 10:00,1.0,         !- Field 62
    Until: 11:00,1.0,         !- Field 63
    Until: 12:00,1.0,         !- Field 64
    Until: 13:00,1.0,         !- Field 65
    Until: 14:00,1.0,         !- Field 66
    Until: 15:00,1.0,         !- Field 67
    Until: 16:00,1.0,         !- Field 68
    Until: 17:00,1.0,         !- Field 69
    Until: 18:00,1.0,         !- Field 70
    Until: 19:00,1.0,         !- Field 71
    Until: 20:00,1.0,         !- Field 72
    Until: 21:00,1.0,         !- Field 73
    Until: 22:00,1.0,         !- Field 74
    Until: 23:00,1.0,         !- Field 75
    Until: 24:00,1.0,         !- Field 76
    For AllOtherDays,         !- Field 77
    Until: 24:00,0.0;         !- Field 78

    Heating thermostat schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Name
    Any Number,               !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,           !- Field 1
    For: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday,    !- Field 2
    Until: 01:00,22.0,        !- Field 3
    Until: 02:00,18.0,        !- Field 4
    Until: 03:00,18.0,        !- Field 5
    Until: 04:00,18.0,        !- Field 6
    Until: 05:00,18.0,        !- Field 7
    Until: 06:00,18.0,        !- Field 8
    Until: 07:00,18.0,        !- Field 9
    Until: 08:00,20.0,        !- Field 10
    Until: 09:00,22.0,        !- Field 11
    Until: 10:00,22.0,        !- Field 12
    Until: 11:00,22.0,        !- Field 13
    Until: 12:00,22.0,        !- Field 14
    Until: 13:00,22.0,        !- Field 15
    Until: 14:00,22.0,        !- Field 16
    Until: 15:00,22.0,        !- Field 17
    Until: 16:00,22.0,        !- Field 18
    Until: 17:00,22.0,        !- Field 19
    Until: 18:00,22.0,        !- Field 20
    Until: 19:00,22.0,        !- Field 21
    Until: 20:00,22.0,        !- Field 22
    Until: 21:00,22.0,        !- Field 23
    Until: 22:00,22.0,        !- Field 24
    Until: 23:00,22.0,        !- Field 25
    Until: 24:00,22.0,        !- Field 26
    For: Saturday,            !- Field 27
    Until: 01:00,22.0,        !- Field 28
    Until: 02:00,18.0,        !- Field 29
    Until: 03:00,18.0,        !- Field 30
    Until: 04:00,18.0,        !- Field 31
    Until: 05:00,18.0,        !- Field 32
    Until: 06:00,18.0,        !- Field 33
    Until: 07:00,18.0,        !- Field 34
    Until: 08:00,20.0,        !- Field 35
    Until: 09:00,22.0,        !- Field 36
    Until: 10:00,22.0,        !- Field 37
    Until: 11:00,22.0,        !- Field 38
    Until: 12:00,22.0,        !- Field 39
    Until: 13:00,22.0,        !- Field 40
    Until: 14:00,22.0,        !- Field 41
    Until: 15:00,22.0,        !- Field 42
    Until: 16:00,22.0,        !- Field 43
    Until: 17:00,22.0,        !- Field 44
    Until: 18:00,22.0,        !- Field 45
    Until: 19:00,22.0,        !- Field 46
    Until: 20:00,22.0,        !- Field 47
    Until: 21:00,22.0,        !- Field 48
    Until: 22:00,22.0,        !- Field 49
    Until: 23:00,22.0,        !- Field 50
    Until: 24:00,22.0,        !- Field 51
    For: Sunday Holidays,     !- Field 52
    Until: 01:00,22.0,        !- Field 53
    Until: 02:00,18.0,        !- Field 54
    Until: 03:00,18.0,        !- Field 55
    Until: 04:00,18.0,        !- Field 56
    Until: 05:00,18.0,        !- Field 57
    Until: 06:00,18.0,        !- Field 58
    Until: 07:00,18.0,        !- Field 59
    Until: 08:00,20.0,        !- Field 60
    Until: 09:00,22.0,        !- Field 61
    Until: 10:00,22.0,        !- Field 62
    Until: 11:00,22.0,        !- Field 63
    Until: 12:00,22.0,        !- Field 64
    Until: 13:00,22.0,        !- Field 65
    Until: 14:00,22.0,        !- Field 66
    Until: 15:00,22.0,        !- Field 67
    Until: 16:00,22.0,        !- Field 68
    Until: 17:00,22.0,        !- Field 69
    Until: 18:00,22.0,        !- Field 70
    Until: 19:00,22.0,        !- Field 71
    Until: 20:00,22.0,        !- Field 72
    Until: 21:00,22.0,        !- Field 73
    Until: 22:00,22.0,        !- Field 74
    Until: 23:00,22.0,        !- Field 75
    Until: 24:00,22.0,        !- Field 76
    For AllOtherDays,         !- Field 77
    Until: 24:00,0.0;         !- Field 78

    Cooling thermostat schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Name
    Any Number,               !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,           !- Field 1
    For: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday,    !- Field 2
    Until: 01:00,24.0,        !- Field 3
    Until: 02:00,24.0,        !- Field 4
    Until: 03:00,24.0,        !- Field 5
    Until: 04:00,24.0,        !- Field 6
    Until: 05:00,24.0,        !- Field 7
    Until: 06:00,24.0,        !- Field 8
    Until: 07:00,24.0,        !- Field 9
    Until: 08:00,24.0,        !- Field 10
    Until: 09:00,24.0,        !- Field 11
    Until: 10:00,24.0,        !- Field 12
    Until: 11:00,24.0,        !- Field 13
    Until: 12:00,24.0,        !- Field 14
    Until: 13:00,24.0,        !- Field 15
    Until: 14:00,24.0,        !- Field 16
    Until: 15:00,24.0,        !- Field 17
    Until: 16:00,24.0,        !- Field 18
    Until: 17:00,24.0,        !- Field 19
    Until: 18:00,24.0,        !- Field 20
    Until: 19:00,24.0,        !- Field 21
    Until: 20:00,24.0,        !- Field 22
    Until: 21:00,24.0,        !- Field 23
    Until: 22:00,24.0,        !- Field 24
    Until: 23:00,24.0,        !- Field 25
    Until: 24:00,24.0,        !- Field 26
    For: Saturday,            !- Field 27
    Until: 01:00,24.0,        !- Field 28
    Until: 02:00,24.0,        !- Field 29
    Until: 03:00,24.0,        !- Field 30
    Until: 04:00,24.0,        !- Field 31
    Until: 05:00,24.0,        !- Field 32
    Until: 06:00,24.0,        !- Field 33
    Until: 07:00,24.0,        !- Field 34
    Until: 08:00,24.0,        !- Field 35
    Until: 09:00,24.0,        !- Field 36
    Until: 10:00,24.0,        !- Field 37
    Until: 11:00,24.0,        !- Field 38
    Until: 12:00,24.0,        !- Field 39
    Until: 13:00,24.0,        !- Field 40
    Until: 14:00,24.0,        !- Field 41
    Until: 15:00,24.0,        !- Field 42
    Until: 16:00,24.0,        !- Field 43
    Until: 17:00,24.0,        !- Field 44
    Until: 18:00,24.0,        !- Field 45
    Until: 19:00,24.0,        !- Field 46
    Until: 20:00,24.0,        !- Field 47
    Until: 21:00,24.0,        !- Field 48
    Until: 22:00,24.0,        !- Field 49
    Until: 23:00,24.0,        !- Field 50
    Until: 24:00,24.0,        !- Field 51
    For: Sunday Holidays,     !- Field 52
    Until: 01:00,24.0,        !- Field 53
    Until: 02:00,24.0,        !- Field 54
    Until: 03:00,24.0,        !- Field 55
    Until: 04:00,24.0,        !- Field 56
    Until: 05:00,24.0,        !- Field 57
    Until: 06:00,24.0,        !- Field 58
    Until: 07:00,24.0,        !- Field 59
    Until: 08:00,24.0,        !- Field 60
    Until: 09:00,24.0,        !- Field 61
    Until: 10:00,24.0,        !- Field 62
    Until: 11:00,24.0,        !- Field 63
    Until: 12:00,24.0,        !- Field 64
    Until: 13:00,24.0,        !- Field 65
    Until: 14:00,24.0,        !- Field 66
    Until: 15:00,24.0,        !- Field 67
    Until: 16:00,24.0,        !- Field 68
    Until: 17:00,24.0,        !- Field 69
    Until: 18:00,24.0,        !- Field 70
    Until: 19:00,24.0,        !- Field 71
    Until: 20:00,24.0,        !- Field 72
    Until: 21:00,24.0,        !- Field 73
    Until: 22:00,24.0,        !- Field 74
    Until: 23:00,24.0,        !- Field 75
    Until: 24:00,24.0,        !- Field 76
    For AllOtherDays,         !- Field 77
    Until: 24:00,0.0;         !- Field 78

    Lighting schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Name
    Fraction,                 !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,           !- Field 1
    For: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday,    !- Field 2
    Until: 01:00,0.3,         !- Field 3
    Until: 02:00,0.0,         !- Field 4
    Until: 03:00,0.0,         !- Field 5
    Until: 04:00,0.0,         !- Field 6
    Until: 05:00,0.0,         !- Field 7
    Until: 06:00,0.0,         !- Field 8
    Until: 07:00,0.2,         !- Field 9
    Until: 08:00,0.5,         !- Field 10
    Until: 09:00,0.5,         !- Field 11
    Until: 10:00,0.0,         !- Field 12
    Until: 11:00,0.0,         !- Field 13
    Until: 12:00,0.0,         !- Field 14
    Until: 13:00,0.0,         !- Field 15
    Until: 14:00,0.0,         !- Field 16
    Until: 15:00,0.0,         !- Field 17
    Until: 16:00,0.0,         !- Field 18
    Until: 17:00,0.0,         !- Field 19
    Until: 18:00,0.0,         !- Field 20
    Until: 19:00,0.0,         !- Field 21
    Until: 20:00,0.9,         !- Field 22
    Until: 21:00,0.9,         !- Field 23
    Until: 22:00,0.9,         !- Field 24
    Until: 23:00,0.8,         !- Field 25
    Until: 24:00,0.6,         !- Field 26
    For: Saturday,            !- Field 27
    Until: 01:00,0.3,         !- Field 28
    Until: 02:00,0.0,         !- Field 29
    Until: 03:00,0.0,         !- Field 30
    Until: 04:00,0.0,         !- Field 31
    Until: 05:00,0.0,         !- Field 32
    Until: 06:00,0.0,         !- Field 33
    Until: 07:00,0.2,         !- Field 34
    Until: 08:00,0.5,         !- Field 35
    Until: 09:00,0.5,         !- Field 36
    Until: 10:00,0.0,         !- Field 37
    Until: 11:00,0.0,         !- Field 38
    Until: 12:00,0.0,         !- Field 39
    Until: 13:00,0.0,         !- Field 40
    Until: 14:00,0.0,         !- Field 41
    Until: 15:00,0.0,         !- Field 42
    Until: 16:00,0.0,         !- Field 43
    Until: 17:00,0.0,         !- Field 44
    Until: 18:00,0.0,         !- Field 45
    Until: 19:00,0.0,         !- Field 46
    Until: 20:00,0.9,         !- Field 47
    Until: 21:00,0.9,         !- Field 48
    Until: 22:00,0.9,         !- Field 49
    Until: 23:00,0.8,         !- Field 50
    Until: 24:00,0.6,         !- Field 51
    For: Sunday Holidays,     !- Field 52
    Until: 01:00,0.3,         !- Field 53
    Until: 02:00,0.0,         !- Field 54
    Until: 03:00,0.0,         !- Field 55
    Until: 04:00,0.0,         !- Field 56
    Until: 05:00,0.0,         !- Field 57
    Until: 06:00,0.0,         !- Field 58
    Until: 07:00,0.2,         !- Field 59
    Until: 08:00,0.5,         !- Field 60
    Until: 09:00,0.5,         !- Field 61
    Until: 10:00,0.0,         !- Field 62
    Until: 11:00,0.0,         !- Field 63
    Until: 12:00,0.0,         !- Field 64
    Until: 13:00,0.0,         !- Field 65
    Until: 14:00,0.0,         !- Field 66
    Until: 15:00,0.0,         !- Field 67
    Until: 16:00,0.0,         !- Field 68
    Until: 17:00,0.0,         !- Field 69
    Until: 18:00,0.0,         !- Field 70
    Until: 19:00,0.0,         !- Field 71
    Until: 20:00,0.9,         !- Field 72
    Until: 21:00,0.9,         !- Field 73
    Until: 22:00,0.9,         !- Field 74
    Until: 23:00,0.8,         !- Field 75
    Until: 24:00,0.6,         !- Field 76
    For AllOtherDays,         !- Field 77
    Until: 24:00,0.0;         !- Field 78

    Appliance schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Name
    Fraction,                 !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,           !- Field 1
    For: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday,    !- Field 2
    Until: 01:00,0.3,         !- Field 3
    Until: 02:00,0.2,         !- Field 4
    Until: 03:00,0.2,         !- Field 5
    Until: 04:00,0.2,         !- Field 6
    Until: 05:00,0.2,         !- Field 7
    Until: 06:00,0.2,         !- Field 8
    Until: 07:00,0.2,         !- Field 9
    Until: 08:00,0.8,         !- Field 10
    Until: 09:00,0.8,         !- Field 11
    Until: 10:00,0.4,         !- Field 12
    Until: 11:00,0.4,         !- Field 13
    Until: 12:00,0.4,         !- Field 14
    Until: 13:00,0.4,         !- Field 15
    Until: 14:00,0.4,         !- Field 16
    Until: 15:00,0.4,         !- Field 17
    Until: 16:00,0.4,         !- Field 18
    Until: 17:00,0.5,         !- Field 19
    Until: 18:00,0.2,         !- Field 20
    Until: 19:00,0.9,         !- Field 21
    Until: 20:00,0.9,         !- Field 22
    Until: 21:00,0.7,         !- Field 23
    Until: 22:00,0.5,         !- Field 24
    Until: 23:00,0.5,         !- Field 25
    Until: 24:00,0.5,         !- Field 26
    For: Saturday,            !- Field 27
    Until: 01:00,0.3,         !- Field 28
    Until: 02:00,0.2,         !- Field 29
    Until: 03:00,0.2,         !- Field 30
    Until: 04:00,0.2,         !- Field 31
    Until: 05:00,0.2,         !- Field 32
    Until: 06:00,0.2,         !- Field 33
    Until: 07:00,0.2,         !- Field 34
    Until: 08:00,0.8,         !- Field 35
    Until: 09:00,0.8,         !- Field 36
    Until: 10:00,0.4,         !- Field 37
    Until: 11:00,0.4,         !- Field 38
    Until: 12:00,0.4,         !- Field 39
    Until: 13:00,0.4,         !- Field 40
    Until: 14:00,0.4,         !- Field 41
    Until: 15:00,0.4,         !- Field 42
    Until: 16:00,0.4,         !- Field 43
    Until: 17:00,0.5,         !- Field 44
    Until: 18:00,0.2,         !- Field 45
    Until: 19:00,0.9,         !- Field 46
    Until: 20:00,0.9,         !- Field 47
    Until: 21:00,0.7,         !- Field 48
    Until: 22:00,0.5,         !- Field 49
    Until: 23:00,0.5,         !- Field 50
    Until: 24:00,0.5,         !- Field 51
    For: Sunday Holidays,     !- Field 52
    Until: 01:00,0.3,         !- Field 53
    Until: 02:00,0.2,         !- Field 54
    Until: 03:00,0.2,         !- Field 55
    Until: 04:00,0.2,         !- Field 56
    Until: 05:00,0.2,         !- Field 57
    Until: 06:00,0.2,         !- Field 58
    Until: 07:00,0.2,         !- Field 59
    Until: 08:00,0.8,         !- Field 60
    Until: 09:00,0.8,         !- Field 61
    Until: 10:00,0.4,         !- Field 62
    Until: 11:00,0.4,         !- Field 63
    Until: 12:00,0.4,         !- Field 64
    Until: 13:00,0.4,         !- Field 65
    Until: 14:00,0.4,         !- Field 66
    Until: 15:00,0.4,         !- Field 67
    Until: 16:00,0.4,         !- Field 68
    Until: 17:00,0.5,         !- Field 69
    Until: 18:00,0.2,         !- Field 70
    Until: 19:00,0.9,         !- Field 71
    Until: 20:00,0.9,         !- Field 72
    Until: 21:00,0.7,         !- Field 73
    Until: 22:00,0.5,         !- Field 74
    Until: 23:00,0.5,         !- Field 75
    Until: 24:00,0.5,         !- Field 76
    For AllOtherDays,         !- Field 77
    Until: 24:00,0.0;         !- Field 78

    DHW_prof schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Name
    Fraction,                 !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,           !- Field 1
    For: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday,    !- Field 2
    Until: 01:00,0.1,         !- Field 3
    Until: 02:00,0.05,        !- Field 4
    Until: 03:00,0.05,        !- Field 5
    Until: 04:00,0.05,        !- Field 6
    Until: 05:00,0.05,        !- Field 7
    Until: 06:00,0.05,        !- Field 8
    Until: 07:00,0.2,         !- Field 9
    Until: 08:00,0.8,         !- Field 10
    Until: 09:00,0.7,         !- Field 11
    Until: 10:00,0.5,         !- Field 12
    Until: 11:00,0.4,         !- Field 13
    Until: 12:00,0.2,         !- Field 14
    Until: 13:00,0.2,         !- Field 15
    Until: 14:00,0.2,         !- Field 16
    Until: 15:00,0.3,         !- Field 17
    Until: 16:00,0.5,         !- Field 18
    Until: 17:00,0.5,         !- Field 19
    Until: 18:00,0.7,         !- Field 20
    Until: 19:00,0.7,         !- Field 21
    Until: 20:00,0.4,         !- Field 22
    Until: 21:00,0.4,         !- Field 23
    Until: 22:00,0.2,         !- Field 24
    Until: 23:00,0.2,         !- Field 25
    Until: 24:00,0.1,         !- Field 26
    For: Saturday,            !- Field 27
    Until: 01:00,0.1,         !- Field 28
    Until: 02:00,0.05,        !- Field 29
    Until: 03:00,0.05,        !- Field 30
    Until: 04:00,0.05,        !- Field 31
    Until: 05:00,0.05,        !- Field 32
    Until: 06:00,0.05,        !- Field 33
    Until: 07:00,0.05,        !- Field 34
    Until: 08:00,0.2,         !- Field 35
    Until: 09:00,0.5,         !- Field 36
    Until: 10:00,0.5,         !- Field 37
    Until: 11:00,0.5,         !- Field 38
    Until: 12:00,0.3,         !- Field 39
    Until: 13:00,0.3,         !- Field 40
    Until: 14:00,0.3,         !- Field 41
    Until: 15:00,0.3,         !- Field 42
    Until: 16:00,0.7,         !- Field 43
    Until: 17:00,0.9,         !- Field 44
    Until: 18:00,0.7,         !- Field 45
    Until: 19:00,0.7,         !- Field 46
    Until: 20:00,0.6,         !- Field 47
    Until: 21:00,0.5,         !- Field 48
    Until: 22:00,0.4,         !- Field 49
    Until: 23:00,0.3,         !- Field 50
    Until: 24:00,0.2,         !- Field 51
    For: Sunday Holidays,     !- Field 52
    Until: 01:00,0.1,         !- Field 53
    Until: 02:00,0.05,        !- Field 54
    Until: 03:00,0.05,        !- Field 55
    Until: 04:00,0.05,        !- Field 56
    Until: 05:00,0.05,        !- Field 57
    Until: 06:00,0.05,        !- Field 58
    Until: 07:00,0.05,        !- Field 59
    Until: 08:00,0.05,        !- Field 60
    Until: 09:00,0.2,         !- Field 61
    Until: 10:00,0.3,         !- Field 62
    Until: 11:00,0.3,         !- Field 63
    Until: 12:00,0.2,         !- Field 64
    Until: 13:00,0.2,         !- Field 65
    Until: 14:00,0.3,         !- Field 66
    Until: 15:00,0.4,         !- Field 67
    Until: 16:00,0.5,         !- Field 68
    Until: 17:00,0.6,         !- Field 69
    Until: 18:00,0.7,         !- Field 70
    Until: 19:00,0.4,         !- Field 71
    Until: 20:00,0.3,         !- Field 72
    Until: 21:00,0.2,         !- Field 73
    Until: 22:00,0.2,         !- Field 74
    Until: 23:00,0.2,         !- Field 75
    Until: 24:00,0.2,         !- Field 76
    For AllOtherDays,         !- Field 77
    Until: 24:00,0.0;         !- Field 78

    DHW_temp schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Name
    Any Number,               !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,           !- Field 1
    For: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Holidays WinterDesignDay SummerDesignDay,    !- Field 2
    Until: 01:00,60.0,        !- Field 3
    Until: 02:00,60.0,        !- Field 4
    Until: 03:00,60.0,        !- Field 5
    Until: 04:00,60.0,        !- Field 6
    Until: 05:00,60.0,        !- Field 7
    Until: 06:00,60.0,        !- Field 8
    Until: 07:00,60.0,        !- Field 9
    Until: 08:00,60.0,        !- Field 10
    Until: 09:00,60.0,        !- Field 11
    Until: 10:00,60.0,        !- Field 12
    Until: 11:00,60.0,        !- Field 13
    Until: 12:00,60.0,        !- Field 14
    Until: 13:00,60.0,        !- Field 15
    Until: 14:00,60.0,        !- Field 16
    Until: 15:00,60.0,        !- Field 17
    Until: 16:00,60.0,        !- Field 18
    Until: 17:00,60.0,        !- Field 19
    Until: 18:00,60.0,        !- Field 20
    Until: 19:00,60.0,        !- Field 21
    Until: 20:00,60.0,        !- Field 22
    Until: 21:00,60.0,        !- Field 23
    Until: 22:00,60.0,        !- Field 24
    Until: 23:00,60.0,        !- Field 25
    Until: 24:00,60.0,        !- Field 26
    For AllOtherDays,         !- Field 27
    Until: 24:00,0.0;         !- Field 28

    Activity Level schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Name
    Any Number,               !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,           !- Field 1
    For: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Holidays WinterDesignDay SummerDesignDay,    !- Field 2
    Until: 01:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 3
    Until: 02:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 4
    Until: 03:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 5
    Until: 04:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 6
    Until: 05:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 7
    Until: 06:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 8
    Until: 07:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 9
    Until: 08:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 10
    Until: 09:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 11
    Until: 10:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 12
    Until: 11:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 13
    Until: 12:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 14
    Until: 13:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 15
    Until: 14:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 16
    Until: 15:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 17
    Until: 16:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 18
    Until: 17:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 19
    Until: 18:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 20
    Until: 19:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 21
    Until: 20:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 22
    Until: 21:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 23
    Until: 22:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 24
    Until: 23:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 25
    Until: 24:00,146.53553499999998,    !- Field 26
    For AllOtherDays,         !- Field 27
    Until: 24:00,0.0;         !- Field 28

    cold_temp schedules 175785,    !- Name
    Any Number,               !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    C:\Users\umroot\PycharmProjects\system_assignation\out_files\cold_temp schedules 175785.dat,    !- File Name
    1,                        !- Column Number
    0,                        !- Rows to Skip at Top
    8760,                     !- Number of Hours of Data
    Comma,                    !- Column Separator
    No,                       !- Interpolate to Timestep
    60;                       !- Minutes per Item

    cold_temp schedules 176293,    !- Name
    Any Number,               !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    C:\Users\umroot\PycharmProjects\system_assignation\out_files\cold_temp schedules 176293.dat,    !- File Name
    1,                        !- Column Number
    0,                        !- Rows to Skip at Top
    8760,                     !- Number of Hours of Data
    Comma,                    !- Column Separator
    No,                       !- Interpolate to Timestep
    60;                       !- Minutes per Item

    cold_temp schedules 182393,    !- Name
    Any Number,               !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    C:\Users\umroot\PycharmProjects\system_assignation\out_files\cold_temp schedules 182393.dat,    !- File Name
    1,                        !- Column Number
    0,                        !- Rows to Skip at Top
    8760,                     !- Number of Hours of Data
    Comma,                    !- Column Separator
    No,                       !- Interpolate to Timestep
    60;                       !- Minutes per Item

    Cast Concrete,            !- Name
    MediumRough,              !- Roughness
    0.1,                      !- Thickness
    1.13,                     !- Conductivity
    2000,                     !- Density
    1000,                     !- Specific Heat
    1.000000e-01,             !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.6,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.6;                      !- Visible Absorptance

    Timber Flooring,          !- Name
    MediumRough,              !- Roughness
    0.01,                     !- Thickness
    0.14,                     !- Conductivity
    650,                      !- Density
    1200,                     !- Specific Heat
    1.000000e-01,             !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.78,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.78;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    virtual_no_mass_341,      !- Name
    MediumRough,              !- Roughness
    1.3150021070375053,       !- Thermal Resistance
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

    glazing_1,                !- Name
    2.95,                     !- UFactor
    0.39;                     !- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient

    1981_1990_6,              !- Name
    Cast Concrete,            !- Outside Layer
    virtual_no_mass_341;      !- Layer 2

    window_construction_1,    !- Name
    glazing_1;                !- Outside Layer

    UpperLeftCorner,          !- Starting Vertex Position
    CounterClockWise,         !- Vertex Entry Direction
    World;                    !- Coordinate System

    175785,                   !- Name
    0,                        !- Direction of Relative North
    0,                        !- X Origin
    0,                        !- Y Origin
    0,                        !- Z Origin
    1,                        !- Type
    1,                        !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Ceiling Height
    1403.1705150604248,       !- Volume
    autocalculate,            !- Floor Area
    ,                         !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                         !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                      !- Part of Total Floor Area

    176293,                   !- Name
    0,                        !- Direction of Relative North
    0,                        !- X Origin
    0,                        !- Y Origin
    0,                        !- Z Origin
    1,                        !- Type
    1,                        !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Ceiling Height
    1109.0620608329773,       !- Volume
    autocalculate,            !- Floor Area
    ,                         !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                         !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                      !- Part of Total Floor Area

    182393,                   !- Name
    0,                        !- Direction of Relative North
    0,                        !- X Origin
    0,                        !- Y Origin
    0,                        !- Z Origin
    1,                        !- Type
    1,                        !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Ceiling Height
    797.4817928276025,        !- Volume
    autocalculate,            !- Floor Area
    ,                         !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                         !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                      !- Part of Total Floor Area

    6acf7617-7d20-4059-916f-a322696bf7d6,    !- Name
    floor,                    !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    175785,                   !- Zone Name
    Ground,                   !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                    !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                   !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    17.70242881635204,        !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    17.893193116411567,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    17.70516252843663,        !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    11.280522396788001,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    1.023770e-02,             !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    11.27602737955749,        !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    17.774186642840505,       !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
    3.21048201341182,         !- Vertex 5 Xcoordinate
    17.77046832256019,        !- Vertex 5 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 5 Zcoordinate
    3.210660483688116,        !- Vertex 6 Xcoordinate
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    0;                        !- Vertex 6 Zcoordinate

    c17f7386-d2bc-4d4a-b05a-e846aaaba4c3,    !- Name
    roof,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    175785,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
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    11.280522396788001,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    12,                       !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
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    17.893193116411567,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    12,                       !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
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    12,                       !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
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    12,                       !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
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    wall,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    175785,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
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    11.280522396788001,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    12,                       !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    17.70516252843663,        !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    11.280522396788001,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    17.70242881635204,        !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    17.893193116411567,       !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
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    12;                       !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

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    wall,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    175785,                   !- Zone Name
    Surface,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
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    NoWind,                   !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    17.70242881635204,        !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    17.893193116411567,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    12,                       !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
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    17.893193116411567,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
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    17.926729044876993,       !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
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    17.926729044876993,       !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    12;                       !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

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    wall,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    175785,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    3.210660483688116,        !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    17.926729044876993,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    12,                       !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
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    17.926729044876993,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
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    17.77046832256019,        !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
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    17.77046832256019,        !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    12;                       !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

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    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    175785,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    3.21048201341182,         !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    17.77046832256019,        !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    12,                       !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    3.21048201341182,         !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    17.77046832256019,        !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
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    12;                       !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

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    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    175785,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
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    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
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    wall,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    175785,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
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    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    17.70516252843663,        !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    11.280522396788001,       !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
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    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    176293,                   !- Zone Name
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    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
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    NoWind,                   !- Wind Exposure
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    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
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    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
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    roof,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    176293,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
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    wall,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    176293,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
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    17.893193116411567,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
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    17.893193116411567,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
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    24.27228305488825,        !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
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    wall,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    176293,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
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    24.27228305488825,        !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
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    24.27228305488825,        !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    3.2148516182787716,       !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    24.30567015055567,        !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
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    wall,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    176293,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    3.2148516182787716,       !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    24.30567015055567,        !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
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    17.926729044876993,       !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
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    12;                       !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    dad33850-1cac-42d6-baba-76aa1e6e4a4d,    !- Name
    wall,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    176293,                   !- Zone Name
    Surface,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
    dad33850-1cac-42d6-baba-76aa1e6e4a4d,    !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
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    NoWind,                   !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    3.210660483688116,        !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    17.926729044876993,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    12,                       !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
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    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    17.70242881635204,        !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    17.893193116411567,       !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    17.70242881635204,        !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
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    12;                       !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

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    floor,                    !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    182393,                   !- Zone Name
    Ground,                   !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                    !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                   !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    17.714581218082458,       !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    6.6950333174318075,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    17.706990943755955,       !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    6.29203362762928,         !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
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    3.378754952456802,        !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    3.291934e-02,             !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
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    7.27217579819262,         !- Vertex 5 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 5 Zcoordinate
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    0;                        !- Vertex 6 Zcoordinate

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    roof,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    182393,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    17.663238341454417,       !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
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    17.714581218082458,       !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
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    8,                        !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    4.38593372842297,         !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    7.2382582519203424,       !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
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    3.378754952456802,        !- Vertex 6 Xcoordinate
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    8;                        !- Vertex 6 Zcoordinate

    79eac576-a260-4143-83b0-32cf204bbe7b,    !- Name
    wall,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    182393,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    17.706990943755955,       !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    6.29203362762928,         !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    8,                        !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    17.706990943755955,       !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
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    wall,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    182393,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    17.714581218082458,       !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    6.6950333174318075,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    8,                        !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    17.714581218082458,       !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    6.6950333174318075,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    4.38593372842297,         !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    7.2382582519203424,       !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
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    wall,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    182393,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    4.38593372842297,         !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    7.2382582519203424,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
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    7.2382582519203424,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
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    7.27217579819262,         !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
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    7.27217579819262,         !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    8;                        !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    48a796fd-5d1f-463d-9357-c9e2182110a4,    !- Name
    wall,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    182393,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    3.394296312239021,        !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    7.27217579819262,         !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    8,                        !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    3.394296312239021,        !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    7.27217579819262,         !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    3.378754952456802,        !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    3.291934e-02,             !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
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    3.291934e-02,             !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
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    wall,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    182393,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    3.378754952456802,        !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    3.291934e-02,             !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    8,                        !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    3.378754952456802,        !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    3.291934e-02,             !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    17.663238341454417,       !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
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    0,                        !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    8;                        !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    958929bb-acd4-4629-ab9f-b6984e758263,    !- Name
    wall,                     !- Surface Type
    1981_1990_6,              !- Construction Name
    182393,                   !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,               !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,              !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    17.663238341454417,       !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    0,                        !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
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    Window,                   !- Surface Type
    window_construction_1,    !- Construction Name
    ff11f32e-61f9-4ceb-a28e-e9d8a2d21d7a,    !- Building Surface Name
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                         !- Frame and Divider Name
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    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
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    17.705161161580588,       !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    11.283828732147812,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    17.702430183208083,       !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    17.889886781051754,       !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    17.702430183208083,       !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    17.889886781051754,       !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    7.2;                      !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    3b6d9d89-a422-445a-b305-4e9d2f952782 window,    !- Name
    Window,                   !- Surface Type
    window_construction_1,    !- Construction Name
    3b6d9d89-a422-445a-b305-4e9d2f952782,    !- Building Surface Name
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                         !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0,                      !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    3.210660394452978,        !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    17.926650914515836,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    7.2,                      !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    3.210660394452978,        !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    17.926650914515836,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    3.210482102646958,        !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    17.770546452921348,       !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    3.210482102646958,        !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    17.770546452921348,       !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    7.2;                      !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    9dcd5d84-78df-4da5-80c4-fae17544226e window,    !- Name
    Window,                   !- Surface Type
    window_construction_1,    !- Construction Name
    9dcd5d84-78df-4da5-80c4-fae17544226e,    !- Building Surface Name
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                         !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0,                      !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    3.208876772405114,        !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    17.77047018172033,        !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    7.2,                      !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    3.208876772405114,        !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    17.77047018172033,        !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    1.605241e-03,             !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    17.774184783680365,       !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    1.605241e-03,             !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    17.774184783680365,       !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    7.2;                      !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    c8cd208f-797f-428f-94dc-277adc9ef001 window,    !- Name
    Window,                   !- Surface Type
    window_construction_1,    !- Construction Name
    c8cd208f-797f-428f-94dc-277adc9ef001,    !- Building Surface Name
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                         !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0,                      !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    5.118849e-06,             !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    17.770937563208864,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    7.2,                      !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    5.118849e-06,             !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    17.770937563208864,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    1.023258e-02,             !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    11.279276459189132,       !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    1.023258e-02,             !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    11.279276459189132,       !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    7.2;                      !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    1b2839c9-4131-44ca-bd66-b4f56f1f1306 window,    !- Name
    Window,                   !- Surface Type
    window_construction_1,    !- Construction Name
    1b2839c9-4131-44ca-bd66-b4f56f1f1306,    !- Building Surface Name
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                         !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0,                      !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    1.908516e-02,             !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    11.276029627066105,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    7.2,                      !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    1.908516e-02,             !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    11.276029627066105,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    17.69631506602117,        !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    11.280520149279386,       !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    17.69631506602117,        !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    11.280520149279386,       !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    7.2;                      !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    f7a66c0b-f3e1-46c4-9afe-f040250343b2 window,    !- Name
    Window,                   !- Surface Type
    window_construction_1,    !- Construction Name
    f7a66c0b-f3e1-46c4-9afe-f040250343b2,    !- Building Surface Name
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                         !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0,                      !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    17.702427556433715,       !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    17.896382661380805,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    7.2,                      !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    17.702427556433715,       !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    17.896382661380805,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    17.699910239621065,       !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    24.26909350991901,        !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    17.699910239621065,       !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    24.26909350991901,        !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    7.2;                      !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    673f9ddd-64f1-4f17-ad3b-320a0f77383b window,    !- Name
    Window,                   !- Surface Type
    window_construction_1,    !- Construction Name
    673f9ddd-64f1-4f17-ad3b-320a0f77383b,    !- Building Surface Name
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                         !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0,                      !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    17.692666451022028,       !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    24.272299748436083,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    7.2,                      !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    17.692666451022028,       !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    24.272299748436083,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    3.222094146959484,        !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    24.305653457007836,       !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    3.222094146959484,        !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    24.305653457007836,       !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    7.2;                      !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    f0e8f86a-0dc1-4e31-b33e-3562fb8b2bdc window,    !- Name
    Window,                   !- Surface Type
    window_construction_1,    !- Construction Name
    f0e8f86a-0dc1-4e31-b33e-3562fb8b2bdc,    !- Building Surface Name
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                         !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0,                      !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    3.2148495227114764,       !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    24.30248068000283,        !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    7.2,                      !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    3.2148495227114764,       !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    24.30248068000283,        !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    3.2106625792554113,       !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    17.929918515429833,       !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    3.2106625792554113,       !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    17.929918515429833,       !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    7.2;                      !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    79eac576-a260-4143-83b0-32cf204bbe7b window,    !- Name
    Window,                   !- Surface Type
    window_construction_1,    !- Construction Name
    79eac576-a260-4143-83b0-32cf204bbe7b,    !- Building Surface Name
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                         !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0,                      !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    17.70699473889312,        !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    6.292235127474181,        !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    17.70699473889312,        !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    6.292235127474181,        !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    3.2,                      !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    17.714577422945293,       !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    6.694831817586906,        !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    3.2,                      !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    17.714577422945293,       !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    6.694831817586906,        !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    4.8;                      !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    a43b5153-da22-4fd3-a4fc-ed018be3f5f0 window,    !- Name
    Window,                   !- Surface Type
    window_construction_1,    !- Construction Name
    a43b5153-da22-4fd3-a4fc-ed018be3f5f0,    !- Building Surface Name
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                         !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0,                      !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    17.70791689433763,        !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    6.695304929899052,        !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    17.70791689433763,        !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    6.695304929899052,        !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    3.2,                      !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    4.392598052167799,        !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    7.237986639453098,        !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    3.2,                      !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    4.392598052167799,        !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    7.237986639453098,        !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    4.8;                      !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    ea75342e-1ccc-4a1d-9ae3-56ffea395133 window,    !- Name
    Window,                   !- Surface Type
    window_construction_1,    !- Construction Name
    ea75342e-1ccc-4a1d-9ae3-56ffea395133,    !- Building Surface Name
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                         !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0,                      !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    4.385437909714877,        !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    7.2382752106934785,       !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    4.385437909714877,        !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    7.2382752106934785,       !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    3.2,                      !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    3.394792130947113,        !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    7.272158839419484,        !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    3.2,                      !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    3.394792130947113,        !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    7.272158839419484,        !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    4.8;                      !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    48a796fd-5d1f-463d-9357-c9e2182110a4 window,    !- Name
    Window,                   !- Surface Type
    window_construction_1,    !- Construction Name
    48a796fd-5d1f-463d-9357-c9e2182110a4,    !- Building Surface Name
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                         !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0,                      !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    3.39428854155913,         !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    7.268556169961114,        !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    3.39428854155913,         !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    7.268556169961114,        !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    3.2,                      !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    3.3787627231366932,       !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    3.653896e-02,             !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    3.2,                      !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    3.3787627231366932,       !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    3.653896e-02,             !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    4.8;                      !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    13ea4940-36e8-4e27-87eb-55c74e690355 window,    !- Name
    Window,                   !- Surface Type
    window_construction_1,    !- Construction Name
    13ea4940-36e8-4e27-87eb-55c74e690355,    !- Building Surface Name
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                         !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0,                      !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    3.385897194151301,        !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    3.290288e-02,             !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    3.385897194151301,        !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    3.290288e-02,             !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    3.2,                      !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    17.656096099759917,       !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    1.645967e-05,             !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    3.2,                      !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    17.656096099759917,       !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    1.645967e-05,             !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    4.8;                      !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    958929bb-acd4-4629-ab9f-b6984e758263 window,    !- Name
    Window,                   !- Surface Type
    window_construction_1,    !- Construction Name
    958929bb-acd4-4629-ab9f-b6984e758263,    !- Building Surface Name
    ,                         !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    autocalculate,            !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                         !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0,                      !- Multiplier
    autocalculate,            !- Number of Vertices
    17.663260217755568,       !- Vertex 1 Xcoordinate
    3.146017e-03,             !- Vertex 1 Ycoordinate
    4.8,                      !- Vertex 1 Zcoordinate
    17.663260217755568,       !- Vertex 2 Xcoordinate
    3.146017e-03,             !- Vertex 2 Ycoordinate
    3.2,                      !- Vertex 2 Zcoordinate
    17.706969067454803,       !- Vertex 3 Xcoordinate
    6.288887610815466,        !- Vertex 3 Ycoordinate
    3.2,                      !- Vertex 3 Zcoordinate
    17.706969067454803,       !- Vertex 4 Xcoordinate
    6.288887610815466,        !- Vertex 4 Ycoordinate
    4.8;                      !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate

    175785_occupancy,         !- Name
    175785,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Occupancy schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                   !- Number of People Calculation Method
    18.715747492483633,       !- Number of People
    ,                         !- People per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Zone Floor Area per Person
    1.000000e-01,             !- Fraction Radiant
    autocalculate,            !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    Activity Level schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    3.82e-08,                 !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
    No,                       !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,             !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                         !- Surface NameAngle Factor List Name
    ,                         !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    ClothingInsulationSchedule;    !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method

    176293_occupancy,         !- Name
    176293,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Occupancy schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                   !- Number of People Calculation Method
    14.79287460879241,        !- Number of People
    ,                         !- People per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Zone Floor Area per Person
    1.000000e-01,             !- Fraction Radiant
    autocalculate,            !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    Activity Level schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    3.82e-08,                 !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
    No,                       !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,             !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                         !- Surface NameAngle Factor List Name
    ,                         !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    ClothingInsulationSchedule;    !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method

    182393_occupancy,         !- Name
    182393,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Occupancy schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                   !- Number of People Calculation Method
    7.97771958444328,         !- Number of People
    ,                         !- People per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Zone Floor Area per Person
    1.000000e-01,             !- Fraction Radiant
    autocalculate,            !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    Activity Level schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    3.82e-08,                 !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
    No,                       !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,             !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                         !- Surface NameAngle Factor List Name
    ,                         !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    ClothingInsulationSchedule;    !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method

    175785_lights,            !- Name
    175785,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Lighting schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Schedule Name
    Watts/Area,               !- Design Level Calculation Method
    ,                         !- Lighting Level
    22.008004751488212,       !- Watts per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Watts per Person
    0,                        !- Return Air Fraction
    0.5,                      !- Fraction Radiant
    0,                        !- Fraction Visible
    1,                        !- Fraction Replaceable
    ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#175785#GeneralLights,    !- EndUse Subcategory
    No,                       !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
    0,                        !- Return Air Fraction Function of Plenum Temperature Coefficient 1
    0;                        !- Return Air Fraction Function of Plenum Temperature Coefficient 2

    176293_lights,            !- Name
    176293,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Lighting schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Schedule Name
    Watts/Area,               !- Design Level Calculation Method
    ,                         !- Lighting Level
    22.008004751488212,       !- Watts per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Watts per Person
    0,                        !- Return Air Fraction
    0.5,                      !- Fraction Radiant
    0,                        !- Fraction Visible
    1,                        !- Fraction Replaceable
    ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#176293#GeneralLights,    !- EndUse Subcategory
    No,                       !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
    0,                        !- Return Air Fraction Function of Plenum Temperature Coefficient 1
    0;                        !- Return Air Fraction Function of Plenum Temperature Coefficient 2

    182393_lights,            !- Name
    182393,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Lighting schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Schedule Name
    Watts/Area,               !- Design Level Calculation Method
    ,                         !- Lighting Level
    11.004002375744106,       !- Watts per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Watts per Person
    0,                        !- Return Air Fraction
    0.5,                      !- Fraction Radiant
    0,                        !- Fraction Visible
    1,                        !- Fraction Replaceable
    ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#182393#GeneralLights,    !- EndUse Subcategory
    No,                       !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
    0,                        !- Return Air Fraction Function of Plenum Temperature Coefficient 1
    0;                        !- Return Air Fraction Function of Plenum Temperature Coefficient 2

    175785_appliance,         !- Name
    Electricity,              !- Fuel Type
    175785,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Appliance schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Schedule Name
    Watts/Area,               !- Design Level Calculation Method
    ,                         !- Design Level
    20.007277046807467,       !- Power per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Power per Person
    0,                        !- Fraction Latent
    0.5,                      !- Fraction Radiant
    0,                        !- Fraction Lost
    0,                        !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
    ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#175785#InteriorEquipment;    !- EndUse Subcategory

    176293_appliance,         !- Name
    Electricity,              !- Fuel Type
    176293,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Appliance schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Schedule Name
    Watts/Area,               !- Design Level Calculation Method
    ,                         !- Design Level
    20.007277046807467,       !- Power per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Power per Person
    0,                        !- Fraction Latent
    0.5,                      !- Fraction Radiant
    0,                        !- Fraction Lost
    0,                        !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
    ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#176293#InteriorEquipment;    !- EndUse Subcategory

    182393_appliance,         !- Name
    Electricity,              !- Fuel Type
    182393,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Appliance schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Schedule Name
    Watts/Area,               !- Design Level Calculation Method
    ,                         !- Design Level
    10.003638523403733,       !- Power per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Power per Person
    0,                        !- Fraction Latent
    0.5,                      !- Fraction Radiant
    0,                        !- Fraction Lost
    0,                        !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
    ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#182393#InteriorEquipment;    !- EndUse Subcategory

    Comma;                    !- Column Separator

    175785_infiltration,      !- Name
    175785,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Infiltration schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Schedule Name
    AirChanges/Hour,          !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    ,                         !- Design Flow Rate
    ,                         !- Flow per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area
    0.62,                     !- Air Changes per Hour
    1,                        !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0;                        !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    176293_infiltration,      !- Name
    176293,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Infiltration schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Schedule Name
    AirChanges/Hour,          !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    ,                         !- Design Flow Rate
    ,                         !- Flow per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area
    0.62,                     !- Air Changes per Hour
    1,                        !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0;                        !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    182393_infiltration,      !- Name
    182393,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Infiltration schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Schedule Name
    AirChanges/Hour,          !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    ,                         !- Design Flow Rate
    ,                         !- Flow per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area
    0.62,                     !- Air Changes per Hour
    1,                        !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0;                        !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    175785_ventilation,       !- Name
    175785,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Ventilation schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Schedule Name
    AirChanges/Hour,          !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    ,                         !- Design Flow Rate
    ,                         !- Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Flow Rate per Person
    3.657600e-01,             !- Air Changes per Hour
    Natural,                  !- Ventilation Type
    0,                        !- Fan Pressure Rise
    1,                        !- Fan Total Efficiency
    1,                        !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
    -100,                     !- Minimum Indoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
    100,                      !- Maximum Indoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
    -100,                     !- Delta Temperature
    ,                         !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
    -100,                     !- Minimum Outdoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Minimum Outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
    100,                      !- Maximum Outdoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Maximum Outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
    40;                       !- Maximum Wind Speed

    176293_ventilation,       !- Name
    176293,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Ventilation schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Schedule Name
    AirChanges/Hour,          !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    ,                         !- Design Flow Rate
    ,                         !- Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Flow Rate per Person
    3.657600e-01,             !- Air Changes per Hour
    Natural,                  !- Ventilation Type
    0,                        !- Fan Pressure Rise
    1,                        !- Fan Total Efficiency
    1,                        !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
    -100,                     !- Minimum Indoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
    100,                      !- Maximum Indoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
    -100,                     !- Delta Temperature
    ,                         !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
    -100,                     !- Minimum Outdoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Minimum Outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
    100,                      !- Maximum Outdoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Maximum Outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
    40;                       !- Maximum Wind Speed

    182393_ventilation,       !- Name
    182393,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Ventilation schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Schedule Name
    AirChanges/Hour,          !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    ,                         !- Design Flow Rate
    ,                         !- Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Flow Rate per Person
    2.743200e-01,             !- Air Changes per Hour
    Natural,                  !- Ventilation Type
    0,                        !- Fan Pressure Rise
    1,                        !- Fan Total Efficiency
    1,                        !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
    -100,                     !- Minimum Indoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
    100,                      !- Maximum Indoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
    -100,                     !- Delta Temperature
    ,                         !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
    -100,                     !- Minimum Outdoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Minimum Outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
    100,                      !- Maximum Outdoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Maximum Outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
    40;                       !- Maximum Wind Speed

    Thermostat 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Name
    Heating thermostat schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Heating Setpoint Schedule Name
    ,                         !- Constant Heating Setpoint
    Cooling thermostat schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building;    !- Cooling Setpoint Schedule Name

    175785,                   !- Zone Name
    Thermostat 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Template Thermostat Name
    HVAC AVAIL SCHEDULES 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- System Availability Schedule Name
    50,                       !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature
    13,                       !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature
    0.0156,                   !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio
    0.0077,                   !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio
    NoLimit,                  !- Heating Limit
    ,                         !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate
    ,                         !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
    NoLimit,                  !- Cooling Limit
    ,                         !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate
    ,                         !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
    HVAC AVAIL SCHEDULES 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Heating Availability Schedule Name
    HVAC AVAIL SCHEDULES 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Cooling Availability Schedule Name
    ConstantSensibleHeatRatio,    !- Dehumidification Control Type
    0.7,                      !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
    60,                       !- Dehumidification Setpoint
    None,                     !- Humidification Control Type
    30,                       !- Humidification Setpoint
    None,                     !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.00944,                  !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person
    0.0,                      !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area
    0,                        !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone
    ,                         !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
    None,                     !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
    NoEconomizer,             !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
    None,                     !- Heat Recovery Type
    0.70,                     !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
    0.65;                     !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

    176293,                   !- Zone Name
    Thermostat 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Template Thermostat Name
    HVAC AVAIL SCHEDULES 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- System Availability Schedule Name
    50,                       !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature
    13,                       !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature
    0.0156,                   !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio
    0.0077,                   !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio
    NoLimit,                  !- Heating Limit
    ,                         !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate
    ,                         !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
    NoLimit,                  !- Cooling Limit
    ,                         !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate
    ,                         !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
    HVAC AVAIL SCHEDULES 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Heating Availability Schedule Name
    HVAC AVAIL SCHEDULES 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Cooling Availability Schedule Name
    ConstantSensibleHeatRatio,    !- Dehumidification Control Type
    0.7,                      !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
    60,                       !- Dehumidification Setpoint
    None,                     !- Humidification Control Type
    30,                       !- Humidification Setpoint
    None,                     !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.00944,                  !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person
    0.0,                      !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area
    0,                        !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone
    ,                         !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
    None,                     !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
    NoEconomizer,             !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
    None,                     !- Heat Recovery Type
    0.70,                     !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
    0.65;                     !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

    182393,                   !- Zone Name
    Thermostat 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Template Thermostat Name
    HVAC AVAIL SCHEDULES 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- System Availability Schedule Name
    50,                       !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature
    13,                       !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature
    0.0156,                   !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio
    0.0077,                   !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio
    NoLimit,                  !- Heating Limit
    ,                         !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate
    ,                         !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
    NoLimit,                  !- Cooling Limit
    ,                         !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate
    ,                         !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
    HVAC AVAIL SCHEDULES 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Heating Availability Schedule Name
    HVAC AVAIL SCHEDULES 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Cooling Availability Schedule Name
    ConstantSensibleHeatRatio,    !- Dehumidification Control Type
    0.7,                      !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
    60,                       !- Dehumidification Setpoint
    None,                     !- Humidification Control Type
    30,                       !- Humidification Setpoint
    None,                     !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.00944,                  !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person
    0.0,                      !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area
    0,                        !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone
    ,                         !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
    None,                     !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
    NoEconomizer,             !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
    None,                     !- Heat Recovery Type
    0.70,                     !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
    0.65;                     !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

    DHW 175785,               !- Name
    DHW 175785,               !- EndUse Subcategory
    4.968380e-05,             !- Peak Flow Rate
    DHW_prof schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
    DHW_temp schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
    DHW_temp schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
    cold_temp schedules 175785,    !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
    175785;                   !- Zone Name

    DHW 176293,               !- Name
    DHW 176293,               !- EndUse Subcategory
    3.926993e-05,             !- Peak Flow Rate
    DHW_prof schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
    DHW_temp schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
    DHW_temp schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
    cold_temp schedules 176293,    !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
    176293;                   !- Zone Name

    DHW 182393,               !- Name
    DHW 182393,               !- EndUse Subcategory
    2.117807e-05,             !- Peak Flow Rate
    DHW_prof schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
    DHW_temp schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
    DHW_temp schedules 100-Multi-unit residential building,    !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
    cold_temp schedules 182393,    !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
    182393;                   !- Zone Name

    AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary,    !- Report 1 Name
    DemandEndUseComponentsSummary,    !- Report 2 Name
    SensibleHeatGainSummary,    !- Report 3 Name
    InputVerificationandResultsSummary,    !- Report 4 Name
    AdaptiveComfortSummary,    !- Report 5 Name
    Standard62.1Summary,      !- Report 6 Name
    ClimaticDataSummary,      !- Report 7 Name
    EquipmentSummary,         !- Report 8 Name
    EnvelopeSummary,          !- Report 9 Name
    LightingSummary,          !- Report 10 Name
    HVACSizingSummary,        !- Report 11 Name
    SystemSummary,            !- Report 12 Name
    ComponentSizingSummary,    !- Report 13 Name
    OutdoorAirSummary,        !- Report 14 Name
    ObjectCountSummary,       !- Report 15 Name
    EndUseEnergyConsumptionOtherFuelsMonthly,    !- Report 16 Name
    PeakEnergyEndUseOtherFuelsMonthly;    !- Report 17 Name

    CommaAndHTML,             !- Column Separator
    JtoKWH;                   !- Unit Conversion

    *,                        !- Key Value
    Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy,    !- Variable Name
    Hourly;                   !- Reporting Frequency

    *,                        !- Key Value
    Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy,    !- Variable Name
    Hourly;                   !- Reporting Frequency

    *,                        !- Key Value
    Water Use Equipment Heating Rate,    !- Variable Name
    Hourly;                   !- Reporting Frequency

    *,                        !- Key Value
    Zone Lights Electricity Rate,    !- Variable Name
    Hourly;                   !- Reporting Frequency

    *,                        !- Key Value
    Other Equipment Electricity Rate,    !- Variable Name
    Hourly;                   !- Reporting Frequency

    DISTRICTHEATING:Facility,    !- Key Name
    hourly;                   !- Reporting Frequency

    DISTRICTCOOLING:Facility,    !- Key Name
    hourly;                   !- Reporting Frequency

    InteriorEquipment:Electricity,    !- Key Name
    hourly;                   !- Reporting Frequency

    InteriorLights:Electricity,    !- Key Name
    hourly;                   !- Reporting Frequency