322 lines
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322 lines
14 KiB
Geojson module parses geojson files and import the geometry into the city model structure
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Guillermo Gutierrez Guillermo.GutierrezMorote@concordia.ca
import json
import numpy as np
from pyproj import Transformer
import hub.helpers.constants as cte
from hub.helpers.geometry_helper import GeometryHelper
from hub.imports.geometry.helpers.geometry_helper import GeometryHelper as igh
from hub.city_model_structure.attributes.polygon import Polygon
from hub.city_model_structure.building import Building
from hub.city_model_structure.building_demand.surface import Surface
from hub.city_model_structure.city import City
class Geojson:
Geojson class
_X = 0
_Y = 1
def __init__(self,
# todo: destination epsg should change according actual the location
self._transformer = Transformer.from_crs('epsg:4326', 'epsg:26911')
self._min_x = cte.MAX_FLOAT
self._min_y = cte.MAX_FLOAT
self._max_x = cte.MIN_FLOAT
self._max_y = cte.MIN_FLOAT
self._max_z = 0
self._city = None
self._name_field = name_field
self._extrusion_height_field = extrusion_height_field
self._year_of_construction_field = year_of_construction_field
self._function_field = function_field
self._function_to_hub = function_to_hub
with open(path) as json_file:
self._geojson = json.loads(json_file.read())
def _save_bounds(self, x, y):
if x > self._max_x:
self._max_x = x
if x < self._min_x:
self._min_x = x
if y > self._max_y:
self._max_y = y
if y < self._min_y:
self._min_y = y
def _find_wall(line_1, line_2):
for i in range(0, 2):
j = 1 - i
point_1 = line_1[i]
point_2 = line_2[j]
distance = GeometryHelper.distance_between_points(point_1, point_2)
if distance > 1e-2:
return False
return True
def _store_shared_percentage_to_walls(self, city, city_mapped):
for building in city.buildings:
if building.name not in city_mapped.keys():
for wall in building.walls:
wall.percentage_shared = 0
building_mapped = city_mapped[building.name]
for wall in building.walls:
percentage = 0
ground_line = []
for point in wall.perimeter_polygon.coordinates:
if point[2] < 0.5:
for entry in building_mapped:
if building_mapped[entry]['shared_points'] <= 2:
line = [building_mapped[entry]['line_start'], building_mapped[entry]['line_end']]
neighbour_line = [building_mapped[entry]['neighbour_line_start'],
neighbour_height = city.city_object(building_mapped[entry]['neighbour_name']).max_height
if self._find_wall(line, ground_line):
line_shared = (GeometryHelper.distance_between_points(line[0], line[1]) +
GeometryHelper.distance_between_points(neighbour_line[0], neighbour_line[1]) -
GeometryHelper.distance_between_points(line[1], neighbour_line[0]) -
GeometryHelper.distance_between_points(line[0], neighbour_line[1])) / 2
percentage_ground = line_shared / GeometryHelper.distance_between_points(line[0], line[1])
percentage_height = neighbour_height / building.max_height
if percentage_height > 1:
percentage_height = 1
percentage += percentage_ground * percentage_height
wall.percentage_shared = percentage
def city(self) -> City:
Get city out of a Geojson file
if self._city is None:
buildings = []
lod = 0
for feature in self._geojson['features']:
extrusion_height = 0
if self._extrusion_height_field is not None:
extrusion_height = float(feature['properties'][self._extrusion_height_field])
lod = 1
year_of_construction = None
if self._year_of_construction_field is not None:
year_of_construction = int(feature['properties'][self._year_of_construction_field])
function = None
if self._function_field is not None:
function = feature['properties'][self._function_field]
if self._function_to_hub is not None:
# use the transformation dictionary to retrieve the proper function
if function in self._function_to_hub:
function = self._function_to_hub[function]
geometry = feature['geometry']
building_name = ''
building_alias = building_name
if 'id' in feature:
building_name = feature['id']
building_alias = building_name
if self._name_field is not None:
building_alias = feature['properties'][self._name_field]
if str(geometry['type']).lower() == 'polygon':
elif str(geometry['type']).lower() == 'multipolygon':
raise NotImplementedError(f'Geojson geometry type [{geometry["type"]}] unknown')
self._city = City([self._min_x, self._min_y, 0.0], [self._max_x, self._max_y, self._max_z], 'epsg:26911')
for building in buildings:
# Do not include "small building-like structures" to buildings
if building.floor_area >= 25:
self._city.level_of_detail.geometry = lod
for building in self._city.buildings:
building.level_of_detail.geometry = lod
if lod > 0:
lines_information = GeometryHelper.city_mapping(self._city, plot=False)
self._store_shared_percentage_to_walls(self._city, lines_information)
return self._city
def _polygon_coordinates_to_3d(self, polygon_coordinates):
transformed_coordinates = ''
for coordinate in polygon_coordinates:
transformed = self._transformer.transform(coordinate[self._Y], coordinate[self._X])
self._save_bounds(transformed[self._X], transformed[self._Y])
transformed_coordinates = f'{transformed_coordinates} {transformed[self._X]} {transformed[self._Y]} 0.0'
return transformed_coordinates.lstrip(' ')
def _parse_polygon(self, coordinates, building_name, building_alias, function, year_of_construction, extrusion_height):
surfaces = []
for polygon_coordinates in coordinates:
points = igh.points_from_string(
points = igh.invert_points(points)
polygon = Polygon(points)
polygon.area = igh.ground_area(points)
surface = Surface(polygon, polygon)
if surface.type == cte.GROUND:
distance = cte.MAX_FLOAT
hole_connect = 0
surface_connect = 0
for hole_index, hole_coordinate in enumerate(polygon.coordinates):
for surface_index, ground_coordinate in enumerate(surfaces[-1].solid_polygon.coordinates):
current_distance = GeometryHelper.distance_between_points(hole_coordinate, ground_coordinate)
if current_distance < distance:
distance = current_distance
hole_connect = hole_index
surface_connect = surface_index
hole = polygon.coordinates[hole_connect:] + polygon.coordinates[:hole_connect] + [polygon.coordinates[hole_connect]]
prefix_coordinates = surfaces[-1].solid_polygon.coordinates[:surface_connect+1]
trail_coordinates = surfaces[-1].solid_polygon.coordinates[surface_connect:]
coordinates = prefix_coordinates + hole + trail_coordinates
polygon = Polygon(coordinates)
polygon.area = igh.ground_area(coordinates)
surfaces[-1] = Surface(polygon, polygon)
if len(surfaces) > 1:
raise ValueError('too many surfaces!!!!')
building = Building(f'{building_name}', surfaces, year_of_construction, function)
building.alias = building_alias
if extrusion_height == 0:
return building
volume = 0
for ground in building.grounds:
volume += ground.solid_polygon.area * extrusion_height
roof_coordinates = []
# adding a roof means invert the polygon coordinates and change the Z value
for coordinate in ground.solid_polygon.coordinates:
roof_coordinate = np.array([coordinate[0], coordinate[1], extrusion_height])
# insert the roof rotated already
roof_coordinates.insert(0, roof_coordinate)
roof_polygon = Polygon(roof_coordinates)
roof_polygon.area = ground.solid_polygon.area
roof = Surface(roof_polygon, roof_polygon)
# adding a wall means add the point coordinates and the next point coordinates with Z's height and 0
coordinates_length = len(roof.solid_polygon.coordinates)
for i, coordinate in enumerate(roof.solid_polygon.coordinates):
j = i + 1
if j == coordinates_length:
j = 0
next_coordinate = roof.solid_polygon.coordinates[j]
wall_coordinates = [
np.array([coordinate[0], coordinate[1], 0.0]),
np.array([next_coordinate[0], next_coordinate[1], 0.0]),
np.array([next_coordinate[0], next_coordinate[1], next_coordinate[2]]),
np.array([coordinate[0], coordinate[1], coordinate[2]])
polygon = Polygon(wall_coordinates)
wall = Surface(polygon, polygon)
building = Building(f'{building_name}', surfaces, year_of_construction, function)
building.alias = building_alias
building.volume = volume
return building
def _parse_multi_polygon(self, polygons_coordinates, building_name, building_alias, function, year_of_construction, extrusion_height):
surfaces = []
for coordinates in polygons_coordinates:
for polygon_coordinates in coordinates:
points = igh.points_from_string(
points = igh.invert_points(points)
polygon = Polygon(points)
polygon.area = igh.ground_area(points)
surface = Surface(polygon, polygon)
if surface.type == cte.GROUND:
distance = cte.MAX_FLOAT
hole_connect = 0
surface_connect = 0
for hole_index, hole_coordinate in enumerate(polygon.coordinates):
for surface_index, ground_coordinate in enumerate(surfaces[-1].solid_polygon.coordinates):
current_distance = GeometryHelper.distance_between_points(hole_coordinate, ground_coordinate)
if current_distance < distance:
distance = current_distance
hole_connect = hole_index
surface_connect = surface_index
hole = polygon.coordinates[hole_connect:] + polygon.coordinates[:hole_connect]
prefix_coordinates = surfaces[-1].solid_polygon.coordinates[:surface_connect]
trail_coordinates = surfaces[-1].solid_polygon.coordinates[surface_connect:]
coordinates = prefix_coordinates + hole + [hole[0]] + trail_coordinates
polygon = Polygon(coordinates)
polygon.area = igh.ground_area(coordinates)
surfaces[-1] = Surface(polygon, polygon)
building = Building(f'{building_name}', surfaces, year_of_construction, function)
building.alias = building_alias
if extrusion_height == 0:
return building
volume = 0
for ground in building.grounds:
volume += ground.solid_polygon.area * extrusion_height
roof_coordinates = []
# adding a roof means invert the polygon coordinates and change the Z value
for coordinate in ground.solid_polygon.coordinates:
roof_coordinate = np.array([coordinate[0], coordinate[1], extrusion_height])
# insert the roof rotated already
roof_coordinates.insert(0, roof_coordinate)
roof_polygon = Polygon(roof_coordinates)
roof_polygon.area = ground.solid_polygon.area
roof = Surface(roof_polygon, roof_polygon)
# adding a wall means add the point coordinates and the next point coordinates with Z's height and 0
coordinates_length = len(roof.solid_polygon.coordinates)
for i, coordinate in enumerate(roof.solid_polygon.coordinates):
j = i + 1
if j == coordinates_length:
j = 0
next_coordinate = roof.solid_polygon.coordinates[j]
wall_coordinates = [
np.array([coordinate[0], coordinate[1], 0.0]),
np.array([next_coordinate[0], next_coordinate[1], 0.0]),
np.array([next_coordinate[0], next_coordinate[1], next_coordinate[2]]),
np.array([coordinate[0], coordinate[1], coordinate[2]])
polygon = Polygon(wall_coordinates)
wall = Surface(polygon, polygon)
building = Building(f'{building_name}', surfaces, year_of_construction, function)
building.alias = building_alias
building.volume = volume
return building