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export a city into STL format. (Each building is a solid, suitable for RC models such as CityBEM)
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2024 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Saeed Rayegan
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
class Stl:
Export to stl format
def __init__(self, city, path):
self._city = city
self._path = path
def _triangulate_stl(self, points_2d, height):
#This function requires a set of 2D points for triangulation
# Assuming vertices is a NumPy array
tri = Delaunay(points_2d)
triangles2D = points_2d[tri.simplices]
triangles3D = []
# Iterate through each triangle in triangles2D
for triangle in triangles2D:
# Extract the existing x and y coordinates
x1, y1 = triangle[0]
x2, y2 = triangle[1]
x3, y3 = triangle[2]
# Create a 3D point with the specified height
point3D=[[x1, height, y1],[x2, height, y2],[x3, height, y3]]
# Append the 3D points to the triangle list
return triangles3D
def _ground(self, coordinate):
x = coordinate[0] - self._city.lower_corner[0]
y = coordinate[1] - self._city.lower_corner[1]
z = coordinate[2] - self._city.lower_corner[2]
return x, y, z
def _to_vertex_stl(self, coordinate):
x, y, z = self._ground(coordinate)
return [x, z, -y] # Return as a list # to match opengl expectations (check it later)
def _to_normal_vertex_stl(self, coordinates):
ground_vertex = []
for coordinate in coordinates:
x, y, z = self._ground(coordinate)
ground_vertex.append(np.array([x, y, z]))
# recalculate the normal to get grounded values
edge_1 = ground_vertex[1] - ground_vertex[0]
edge_2 = ground_vertex[2] - ground_vertex[0]
normal = np.cross(edge_1, edge_2)
normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal)
# Convert normal to list for easier handling in the write operation
return normal.tolist()
def _export(self):
if is None: = 'unknown_city'
stl_name = f'{}.stl'
stl_file_path = (Path(self._path).resolve() / stl_name).resolve()
with open(stl_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as stl:
with open(stl_file_path.parent/'buildingSurfaceId.txt', 'w') as textfile:
for building in self._city.buildings:
stl.write(f"solid building{}\n")
# write the building id in the buildingSurfaceId.txt file
textfile.write( + " ")
for surface in building.surfaces:
vertices = []
normal = self._to_normal_vertex_stl(
surface.perimeter_polygon.coordinates) # the normal vector should be calculated for every surface
for coordinate in surface.perimeter_polygon.coordinates:
vertex = self._to_vertex_stl(coordinate)
if vertex not in vertices:
vertices = np.array(vertices)
# After collecting the unique vertices of a surface, there is a need to identify if it is located on the roof, floor, or side walls
roofStatus = 1 # multiplication of the height of all vertices in a surface
heightSum = 0 # summation of the height of all vertices in a surface
for vertex in vertices:
roofStatus *= vertex[1]
heightSum += vertex[1]
if roofStatus > 0:
# this surface is the roof (first and third elements of vertices should be passed to the triangulation function)
triangles = self._triangulate_stl(vertices[:, [0, 2]], vertices[0][1])
elif roofStatus == 0 and heightSum == 0:
# this surface is the floor
triangles = self._triangulate_stl(vertices[:, [0, 2]], vertices[0][1])
elif roofStatus == 0 and heightSum > 0:
# this surface is a vertical wall (no need for triangulation as it can be done manually)
triangles = [[vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2]], [vertices[2], vertices[3], vertices[0]]]
# write the facets (triangles) in the stl file
for triangle in triangles:
#write the id of the surface (the triangles that belong to one surface should have similar id). Note that surface id is number like 2,3,4,
textfile.write(surfaceID + " ")
f"facet normal {normal[0]} {normal[2]} {normal[1]}\n") # following the idea that y axis is the height
stl.write(" outer loop\n")
for vertex in triangle:
stl.write(f" vertex {vertex[0]} {vertex[1]} {vertex[2]}\n")
stl.write(" endloop\n")
textfile.write("\n") # End the line after all surface IDs are written for a given building
stl.write(f"endsolid building{}\n")