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* get-installed-path <>
* Copyright (c) Charlike Mike Reagent <@tunnckoCore> (
* Released under the MIT license.
'use strict'
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const modules = require('global-modules')
* > Get installed path of globally or locally `name` package.
* By default it checks if `name` exists as directory in [global-modules][]
* directory of the system. Pass `opts.local` to get path of `name`
* package from local directory or from `opts.cwd`. Returns rejected
* promise if module not found in global/local `node_modules` folder or
* if it exist but is not a directory.
* **Example**
* ```js
* const getInstalledPath = require('get-installed-path')
* getInstalledPath('npm').then((path) => {
* console.log(path)
* // => '/home/charlike/.nvm/path/to/lib/node_modules/npm'
* })
* getInstalledPath('foo-bar-barwerwlekrjw').catch((err) => {
* console.log(err.message)
* // => 'module not found "foo-bar-barwerwlekrjw" in path ...'
* })
* getInstalledPath('npm', {
* local: true
* }).catch((err) => {
* console.log(err.message)
* // => 'module not found "foo-bar-barwerwlekrjw" in path ...'
* })
* getInstalledPath('global-modules', {
* local: true
* }).then((path) => {
* console.log(path)
* // => '~/code/get-installed-path/node_modules/global-modules'
* })
* // If you are using it for some sub-directory
* // pass `opts.cwd` to be where the `node_modules`
* // folder is.
* process.chidr('foo-bar-baz')
* getInstalledPath('global-modules', {
* local: true,
* cwd: '../'
* }).then((path) => {
* console.log(path)
* // => '~/code/get-installed-path/node_modules/global-modules'
* })
* // When searching for the path of a package that is required
* // by several other packages, its path may not be in the
* // closest node_modules. In this case, to search recursively,
* // you can use the following:
* getInstalledPath('npm', {
* paths: process.mainModule.paths
* }).then((path) => {
* // ...
* })
* // `process.mainModule` refers to the location of the current
* // entry script.
* ```
* @param {String} `name` package name
* @param {Object} `opts` pass `opts.local` to check locally
* @return {Promise} rejected promise if `name` not a string or is empty string
* @api public
module.exports = function getInstalledPath (name, opts) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!isValidString(name)) {
const message = 'get-installed-path: expect `name` to be string'
return reject(new TypeError(message))
const targetPaths = defaults(name, opts)
const statPath = (filepath) =>
fs.stat(filepath, (e, stats) => {
if (e && targetPaths.length > 0) {
} else if (e) {
const label = 'get-installed-path:'
const msg = `${label} module not found "${name}" in path ${filepath}`
return reject(new Error(msg))
if (stats.isDirectory()) {
return resolve(filepath)
const msg = `Possibly "${name}" is not a directory: ${filepath}`
let err = new Error('get-installed-path: some error occured! ' + msg)
* > Get installed path of a `name` package synchronous.
* **Example**
* ```js
* const getInstalledPath = require('get-installed-path')
* const npmPath = getInstalledPath.sync('npm')
* console.log(npmPath)
* // => '/home/charlike/.nvm/path/to/lib/node_modules/npm'
* const gmPath = getInstalledPath.sync('global-modules', { local: true })
* console.log(gmPath)
* // => '~/code/get-installed-path/node_modules/global-modules'
* ```
* @name .sync
* @param {String} `name` package name
* @param {Object} `opts` pass `opts.local` to check locally
* @return {Boolean} or throw `TypeError` if `name` not a string or is empty string
* @api public
module.exports.sync = function getInstalledPathSync (name, opts) {
if (!isValidString(name)) {
throw new TypeError('get-installed-path: expect `name` to be string')
const filePaths = defaults(name, opts)
const firstPath = filePaths[0]
const modulePath = filePaths.find((filePath) => {
let stat = null
try {
stat = fs.statSync(filePath)
} catch (e) {
return false
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
return true
const msg = `Possibly "${name}" is not a directory: ${filePath}`
throw new Error('get-installed-path: some error occured! ' + msg)
if (!modulePath) {
const label = 'get-installed-path:'
const msg = `${label} module not found "${name}" in path ${firstPath}`
throw new Error(msg)
return modulePath
function isValidString (val) {
return typeof val === 'string' ? val.length > 0 : false
function defaults (name, opts) {
opts = opts && typeof opts === 'object' ? opts : {}
opts.cwd = typeof opts.cwd === 'string' ? opts.cwd : process.cwd()
if (opts.paths) {
return => path.join(modulePath, name))
} else if (opts.local) {
return [path.join(opts.cwd, 'node_modules', name)]
return [path.join(modules, name)]