type Type of the GeoJSON object (feature collection)
features An array of GeoJSON features that contains information about a building. Including:
type Type of the geometries (Polygon or Multipolygon) id geometry Including: type coordinates An array containing the geographic coordinates of the building. properties Including: OBJECTID OBJECTID_1 OBJECTID_12 Z_Min The minimum elevation (height) of the building. Z_Max The maximum elevation (height) of the building. Z_Mean The average elevation (height) of the building. OBJECTID_12_13 ID_UEV CIVIQUE_DE Civic number at the start of the building. CIVIQUE_FI Civic number at the end of the building. NOM_RUE The street name where the building is located. SUITE_DEBU MUNICIPALI ETAGE_HORS Number of floors above ground. NOMBRE_LOG ANNEE_CONS The construction year of the building. CODE_UTILI LETTRE_DEB LETTRE_FIN LIBELLE_UT The building utility (e.g. “Logement” meaning Residential). CATEGORIE_ MATRICULE8 SUPERFICIE The building's surface area. SUPERFIC_1 NO_ARROND_ The neighborhood’s code. Shape_Leng OBJECTID_2 Join_Count TARGET_FID feature_id md_id acqtech acqtech_en acqtech_fr provider provideren providerfr datemin datemax haccmin haccmax vaccmin vaccmax heightmin heightmax elevmin Minimum elevation of the building. elevmax Maximum elevation of the building. bldgarea comment OBJECTID_3 Shape_Le_1 Shape_Ar_1 OBJECTID_4 Join_Cou_1 TARGET_F_1 g_objectid g_co_mrc g_code_mun g_arrond g_anrole g_usag_pre g_no_lot g_nb_poly_ g_utilisat g_nb_logem g_nb_locau g_descript g_id_provi Provincial ID. g_sup_tota g_geometry g_geomet_1 g_dat_acqu g_dat_char Shape_Le_2 Shape_Le_3 Shape_Ar_2 OBJECTID_12_13_14 OBJECTID_12_13_14_15 OBJECTID_12_13_14_15_16 Join_Count_1 TARGET_FID_1 Shape_Leng_1 Shape_Area_1 MERGE_SRC NewHieght Shape_Length Shape_Area
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Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | May 6, 2024 |
Metadata last updated | May 6, 2024 |
Created | May 6, 2024 |
Format | RAR |
License | No License Provided |
Has views | False |
Id | 31a99436-a9b1-40f1-afba-87527768a91d |
Mimetype | application/rar |
Package id | 27747006-124d-40a3-ad49-299a19b2e942 |
Position | 0 |
Size | 86.5 MiB |
State | active |
Url type | upload |