430 lines
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430 lines
12 KiB
import copy
import numpy as np
from .. import util
class Camera(object):
def __init__(
Create a new Camera object that stores camera intrinsic
and extrinsic parameters.
TODO: skew is not supported
TODO: cx and cy that are not half of width and height
name : str or None
Name for camera to be used as node name
resolution : (2,) int
Pixel size in (height, width)
focal : (2,) float
Focal length in pixels. Either pass this OR FOV
but not both. focal = (K[0][0], K[1][1])
fov : (2,) float
Field of view (fovx, fovy) in degrees
z_near : float
What is the closest
if name is None:
# if name is not passed, make it something unique
self.name = 'camera_{}'.format(util.unique_id(6).upper())
# otherwise assign it
self.name = name
if fov is None and focal is None:
raise ValueError('either focal length or FOV required!')
# store whether or not we computed the focal length
self._focal_computed = False
# set the passed (2,) float focal length
self.focal = focal
# set the passed (2,) float FOV in degrees
self.fov = fov
if resolution is None:
# if unset make resolution 30 pixels per degree
resolution = (self.fov * 30.0).round().astype(np.int64)
self.resolution = resolution
# what is the farthest from the camera it should render
self.z_far = float(z_far)
# what is the closest to the camera it should render
self.z_near = float(z_near)
def copy(self):
Safely get a copy of the current camera.
return Camera(
def resolution(self):
Get the camera resolution in pixels.
resolution (2,) float
Camera resolution in pixels
return self._resolution
def resolution(self, values):
Set the camera resolution in pixels.
resolution (2,) float
Camera resolution in pixels
values = np.asanyarray(values, dtype=np.int64)
if values.shape != (2,):
raise ValueError('resolution must be (2,) float')
values.flags.writeable = False
self._resolution = values
# unset computed value that depends on the other plus resolution
if self._focal_computed:
self._focal = None
# fov must be computed
self._fov = None
def focal(self):
Get the focal length in pixels for the camera.
focal : (2,) float
Focal length in pixels
if self._focal is None:
# calculate focal length from FOV
focal = (
self._resolution / (2.0 * np.tan(np.radians(self._fov / 2.0))))
focal.flags.writeable = False
self._focal = focal
return self._focal
def focal(self, values):
Set the focal length in pixels for the camera.
focal : (2,) float
Focal length in pixels.
if values is None:
self._focal = None
# flag this as not computed (hence fov must be)
# this is necessary so changes to resolution can reset the
# computed quantity without changing the explicitly set quantity
self._focal_computed = False
values = np.asanyarray(values, dtype=np.float64)
if values.shape != (2,):
raise ValueError('focal length must be (2,) float')
values.flags.writeable = False
# assign passed values to focal length
self._focal = values
# focal overrides FOV
self._fov = None
def K(self):
Get the intrinsic matrix for the Camera object.
K : (3, 3) float
Intrinsic matrix for camera
K = np.eye(3, dtype=np.float64)
K[0, 0] = self.focal[0]
K[1, 1] = self.focal[1]
K[:2, 2] = self.resolution / 2.0
return K
def K(self, values):
if values is None:
values = np.asanyarray(values, dtype=np.float64)
if values.shape != (3, 3):
raise ValueError('matrix must be (3,3)!')
if not np.allclose(values.flatten()[[1, 3, 6, 7, 8]],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]):
raise ValueError(
'matrix should only have focal length and resolution!')
# set focal length from matrix
self.focal = [values[0, 0], values[1, 1]]
# set resolution from matrix
self.resolution = values[:2, 2] * 2
def fov(self):
Get the field of view in degrees.
fov : (2,) float
XY field of view in degrees
if self._fov is None:
fov = 2.0 * np.degrees(
np.arctan((self._resolution / 2.0) / self._focal))
fov.flags.writeable = False
self._fov = fov
return self._fov
def fov(self, values):
Set the field of view in degrees.
values : (2,) float
Size of FOV to set in degrees
if values is None:
self._fov = None
# flag this as computed (hence fov must not be)
# this is necessary so changes to resolution can reset the
# computed quantity without changing the explicitly set quantity
self._focal_computed = True
values = np.asanyarray(values, dtype=np.float64)
if values.shape != (2,):
raise ValueError('focal length must be (2,) int')
values.flags.writeable = False
# assign passed values to FOV
self._fov = values
# fov overrides focal
self._focal = None
def to_rays(self):
Calculate ray direction vectors.
Will return one ray per pixel, as set in self.resolution.
vectors : (n, 3) float
Ray direction vectors in camera frame with z == -1
return camera_to_rays(self)
def angles(self):
Get ray spherical coordinates in radians.
angles : (n, 2) float
Ray spherical coordinate angles in radians.
return np.arctan(-ray_pixel_coords(self))
def look_at(self, points, rotation=None, distance=None, center=None):
Generate transform for a camera to keep a list
of points in the camera's field of view.
points : (n, 3) float
Points in space
rotation : None, or (4, 4) float
Rotation matrix for initial rotation
distance : None or float
Distance from camera to center
center : None, or (3,) float
Center of field of view.
transform : (4, 4) float
Transformation matrix from world to camera
return look_at(points,
def __repr__(self):
return '<trimesh.scene.Camera> FOV: {} Resolution: {}'.format(
self.fov, self.resolution)
def look_at(points, fov, rotation=None, distance=None, center=None):
Generate transform for a camera to keep a list
of points in the camera's field of view.
points : (n, 3) float
Points in space
fov : (2,) float
Field of view, in DEGREES
rotation : None, or (4, 4) float
Rotation matrix for initial rotation
distance : None or float
Distance from camera to center
center : None, or (3,) float
Center of field of view.
transform : (4, 4) float
Transformation matrix from world to camera
if rotation is None:
rotation = np.eye(4)
rotation = np.asanyarray(rotation, dtype=np.float64)
points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64)
# Transform points to camera frame (just use the rotation part)
rinv = rotation[:3, :3].T
points_c = rinv.dot(points.T).T
if center is None:
# Find the center of the points' AABB in camera frame
center_c = points_c.min(axis=0) + 0.5 * points_c.ptp(axis=0)
# Transform center to camera frame
center_c = rinv.dot(center)
# Re-center the points around the camera-frame origin
points_c -= center_c
# Find the minimum distance for the camera from the origin
# so that all points fit in the view frustrum
tfov = np.tan(np.radians(fov) / 2.0)
if distance is None:
distance = np.max(np.abs(points_c[:, :2]) /
tfov + points_c[:, 2][:, np.newaxis])
# set the pose translation
center_w = rotation[:3, :3].dot(center_c)
cam_pose = rotation.copy()
cam_pose[:3, 3] = center_w + distance * cam_pose[:3, 2]
return cam_pose
def ray_pixel_coords(camera):
Get the x-y coordinates of rays in camera coordinates at
z == -1.
One coordinate pair will be given for each pixel as defined in
camera.resolution. If reshaped, the returned array corresponds
to pixels of the rendered image.
xy = ray_pixel_coords(camera).reshape(
tuple(camera.coordinates) + (2,))
top_left == xy[0, 0]
bottom_right == xy[-1, -1]
camera : trimesh.scene.Camera
Camera object to generate rays from
xy : (n, 2) float
x-y coordinates of intersection of each camera ray
with the z == -1 frame
# shorthand
res = camera.resolution
half_fov = np.radians(camera.fov) / 2.0
right_top = np.tan(half_fov)
# move half a pixel width in
right_top *= 1 - (1.0 / res)
left_bottom = -right_top
# we are looking down the negative z axis, so
# right_top corresponds to maximum x/y values
# bottom_left corresponds to minimum x/y values
right, top = right_top
left, bottom = left_bottom
# create a grid of vectors
xy = util.grid_linspace(
bounds=[[left, top], [right, bottom]],
# create a matching array of pixel indexes for the rays
pixels = util.grid_linspace(
bounds=[[0, res[1] - 1], [res[0] - 1, 0]],
assert xy.shape == pixels.shape
return xy, pixels
def camera_to_rays(camera):
Calculate the trimesh.scene.Camera object to direction vectors.
Will return one ray per pixel, as set in camera.resolution.
camera : trimesh.scene.Camera
vectors : (n, 3) float
Ray direction vectors in camera frame with z == -1
# get the on-plane coordinates
xy, pixels = ray_pixel_coords(camera)
# convert vectors to 3D unit vectors
vectors = util.unitize(
np.column_stack((xy, -np.ones_like(xy[:, :1]))))
return vectors, pixels