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import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point, LineString
import networkx as nx
class DistrictHeatingNetworkCreator:
def __init__(self, buildings_file, roads_file):
Initialize the class with paths to the buildings and roads data files.
:param buildings_file: Path to the GeoJSON file containing building data.
:param roads_file: Path to the GeoJSON file containing roads data.
self.buildings_file = buildings_file
self.roads_file = roads_file
def run(self):
Main method to execute the district heating network creation process.
:return: NetworkX graph with nodes and edges representing the network.
return self.final_mst
def _load_and_process_data(self):
Load and process the building and road data.
# Load building data
with open(self.buildings_file, 'r') as file:
city = json.load(file)
2024-02-02 17:22:35 -05:00
# Extract centroids and building IDs from building data
self.centroids = []
self.building_ids = [] # List to store building IDs
buildings = city['features']
for building in buildings:
coordinates = building['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
building_polygon = Polygon(coordinates)
centroid = building_polygon.centroid
self.building_ids.append(building['id']) # Extract building ID
# Load road data
with open(self.roads_file, 'r') as file:
roads = json.load(file)
line_features = [feature for feature in roads['features'] if feature['geometry']['type'] == 'LineString']
# Create a list of LineString objects and their properties
self.lines = []
for feature in line_features:
# Create a LineString from coordinates
linestring = LineString(feature['geometry']['coordinates'])
self.cleaned_lines = []
for line in self.lines:
coords = list(line.coords)
cleaned_line = LineString([coords[0], coords[-1]])
def _find_nearest_roads(self):
Find the nearest road for each building centroid.
self.closest_roads = []
unique_roads_set = set()
# Loop through each centroid
for centroid in self.centroids:
min_distance = float('inf') # Start with a large number to ensure any real distance is smaller
closest_road = None
# Loop through each road and calculate the distance to the current centroid
for line in self.cleaned_lines:
distance = line.distance(centroid)
# Check if the current road is closer than the ones previously checked
if distance < min_distance:
min_distance = distance
closest_road = line
# Add the closest road to the list if it's not already added
if closest_road and closest_road.wkt not in unique_roads_set:
def _find_nearest_points(self):
Find the nearest point on each closest road for each centroid.
def find_nearest_point_on_line(point, line):
return line.interpolate(line.project(point))
self.nearest_points = []
# Find the nearest point on each closest road for each centroid
for centroid in self.centroids:
# Find the closest road for this centroid
min_distance = float('inf')
closest_road = None
for road in self.closest_roads:
distance = centroid.distance(road)
if distance < min_distance:
min_distance = distance
closest_road = road
# Find the nearest point on the closest road
if closest_road:
nearest_point = find_nearest_point_on_line(centroid, closest_road)
def _break_down_roads(self):
Break down roads into segments connecting nearest points.
def break_down_roads(closest_roads, nearest_points_list):
new_segments = []
for road in closest_roads:
# Get coordinates of the road
coords = list(road.coords)
# Find all nearest points for this road
points_on_road = [point for point in nearest_points_list if road.distance(point) < 0.000000001]
# Sort nearest points along the road
sorted_points = sorted(points_on_road, key=lambda point: road.project(point))
# Add the start node to the sorted points
sorted_points.insert(0, Point(coords[0]))
# Add the end node to the sorted points
# Create new segments
for i in range(len(sorted_points) - 1):
segment = LineString([sorted_points[i], sorted_points[i + 1]])
return new_segments
# Create new segments
self.new_segments = break_down_roads(self.closest_roads, self.nearest_points)
self.cleaned_lines = [line for line in self.cleaned_lines if line not in self.closest_roads]
def _create_graph(self):
Create a NetworkX graph from the cleaned lines.
self.G = nx.Graph()
# Add edges to the graph from the cleaned lines
for line in self.cleaned_lines:
coords = list(line.coords)
for i in range(len(coords) - 1):
self.G.add_edge(coords[i], coords[i + 1], weight=Point(coords[i]).distance(Point(coords[i + 1])))
def _create_mst(self):
Create a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) from the graph.
def find_paths_between_nearest_points(g, nearest_points):
edges = []
for i, start_point in enumerate(nearest_points):
start = (start_point.x, start_point.y)
for end_point in nearest_points[i + 1:]:
end = (end_point.x, end_point.y)
if nx.has_path(g, start, end):
path = nx.shortest_path(g, source=start, target=end, weight='weight')
path_edges = list(zip(path[:-1], path[1:]))
edges.extend((u, v, g[u][v]['weight']) for u, v in path_edges)
return edges
# Find the edges used to connect the nearest points
edges = find_paths_between_nearest_points(self.G, self.nearest_points)
# Create a graph from these edges
h = nx.Graph()
# Compute the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) using Kruskal's algorithm
mst = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(h, weight='weight')
# Perform pathfinding again on the MST to ensure shortest paths within the MST
final_edges = []
for u, v in mst.edges():
if nx.has_path(self.G, u, v):
path = nx.shortest_path(self.G, source=u, target=v, weight='weight')
path_edges = list(zip(path[:-1], path[1:]))
final_edges.extend((x, y, self.G[x][y]['weight']) for x, y in path_edges)
# Create the final MST graph with these edges
self.final_mst = nx.Graph()
def _iteratively_remove_edges(self):
Iteratively remove edges that do not have any nearest points and have one end with only one connection.
Also remove nodes that don't have any connections.
nearest_points_tuples = [(point.x, point.y) for point in self.nearest_points]
def find_edges_to_remove(graph):
edges_to_remove = []
for u, v in graph.edges():
if u not in nearest_points_tuples and v not in nearest_points_tuples:
if graph.degree(u) == 1 or graph.degree(v) == 1:
edges_to_remove.append((u, v))
return edges_to_remove
edges_to_remove = find_edges_to_remove(self.final_mst)
while edges_to_remove:
# Find and remove nodes with no connections
nodes_to_remove = [node for node in self.final_mst.nodes() if self.final_mst.degree(node) == 0]
edges_to_remove = find_edges_to_remove(self.final_mst)
def plot_network_graph(self):
Plot the network graph using matplotlib and networkx.
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
pos = {node: (node[0], node[1]) for node in self.final_mst.nodes()}
# Draw nodes and edges
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.final_mst, pos, node_color='blue', node_size=50)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.final_mst, pos, edge_color='gray')
plt.title('District Heating Network Graph')