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# MonthlyEnergyBalance
This tool calculates the monthly energy balance for a given region.
The current version can only use NYC CityGml at LOD1, but we will increase the regions and the level of detail in future releases.
#### dependencies
You will need to install the following dependencies in your computer order to run the software; please take a look at the [install process](#installation) for your system-specific details
##### External software
+ INSEL 8 (https://insel4d.ca/en/download.html)
+ Simplified Radiosity Algorithm (mail to: guillermo.gutierrezmorote@concordia.ca)
After installing these tools you should include their paths in Path.
##### Python libraries
+ Shapely (1.7.0)
+ cycler (0.10.0)
+ geographiclib (1.50)
+ geopy (1.21.0)
+ kiwisolver (1.2.0)
+ matplotlib (3.2.1)
+ numpy (1.18.3)
+ numpy-stl (2.11.2)
+ pandas (1.0.3)
+ pip (20.0.2)
+ pyny3d (0.2)
+ pyparsing (2.4.7)
+ pyproj (2.6.0)
+ python-dateutil (2.8.1)
+ python-utils (2.4.0)
+ pytz (2019.3)
+ scipy (1.4.1)
+ setuptools (46.1.3)
+ six (1.14.0)
+ stl (0.0.3)
+ xmltodict (0.12.0)
## installation
##### Linux / Mac
Open a terminal and run the following commands.
$ mkdir MonthlyEnergyBalance
$ cd MonthlyEnergyBalance
$ git clone https://binarycat.org/git/PMAU/MonthlyEnergyBalance.git
$ python -m pip install requirements.txt
##### Windows
Open a terminal and run the following commands.
c:\> mkdir MonthlyEnergyBalance
c:\> cd MonthlyEnergyBalance
c:\> git clone https://binarycat.org/git/PMAU/MonthlyEnergyBalance.git
c:\> python.exe -m pip install requirements.txt
#### usage
##### Linux / Mac
Open a terminal and run the following command
$ python main.py
##### Windows
Open a terminal and run the following command.
c:\> python.exe main.py