The classes and scripts of costs library are copied in scripts folder
fix: updating the energy system catalogue parameter importer
fix: units are fixed in the sizing and simulation modules
fix: adding costing workflow
feat: new function created to store current and new system analysis results
fix: updating the code to implement all the changes
feat: new attributes added to energy system catalogue
fix: samll bug in calculating capital cost of TES is solved
feat: a new method for calculating peak dhw demand is created in building class
fix: small bug in generation system class of CDM is fixed
fix: small issues in current system simulation and sizing modules are resolved
feat: new class called EnergySystemsSimulationFactory is created to handle all the system simulation models
fix: the operational cost class is modified and completed
fix: slight changes before merge
fix: The simulation model for 1st archetype is modified.
fix: small changes to building code that affect cost and total operational cost code
feat: new attribute added to store fuel consumption values found from simulation
fix: cleaning
fix: redundant attributes removed from energy system data model
feat: new setters added to classes
Fix: codes modified to accommodate the changes
The classes and scripts of costs library are copied in scripts folder
fix: updating the energy system catalogue parameter importer
fix: units are fixed in the sizing and simulation modules
fix: adding costing workflow
feat: new function created to store current and new system analysis results
fix: updating the code to implement all the changes
feat: new attributes added to energy system catalogue
fix: samll bug in calculating capital cost of TES is solved
feat: a new method for calculating peak dhw demand is created in building class
fix: small bug in generation system class of CDM is fixed
fix: small issues in current system simulation and sizing modules are resolved
feat: new class called EnergySystemsSimulationFactory is created to handle all the system simulation models
fix: the operational cost class is modified and completed
fix: slight changes before merge
fix: The simulation model for 1st archetype is modified.
fix: small changes to building code that affect cost and total operational cost code
feat: new attribute added to store fuel consumption values found from simulation
fix: cleaning
The classes and scripts of costs library are copied in scripts folder
fix: updating the energy system catalogue parameter importer
fix: units are fixed in the sizing and simulation modules
fix: adding costing workflow
feat: new function created to store current and new system analysis results
fix: updating the code to implement all the changes
feat: new attributes added to energy system catalogue
fix: samll bug in calculating capital cost of TES is solved
feat: a new method for calculating peak dhw demand is created in building class
fix: small bug in generation system class of CDM is fixed
fix: small issues in current system simulation and sizing modules are resolved
feat: new class called EnergySystemsSimulationFactory is created to handle all the system simulation models
fix: the operational cost class is modified and completed
fix: slight changes before merge
A new XML file named montreal_future_systems.xml is created where the elements of the file are the same as attributes of various classes. Therefore, the catalogue importer and energy system importer should have been updated accordingly. The catalog importer is organized in a general method so whenever someone wants to create a new catalogue they can use the created code as the blueprint.
material_name is replaced with material_id in
The unused variables are fixed.
The code is modified to accommodate the reorganization Pilar did in generation_systems
The is modified to be able to accommodate more than one distribution or emission system is imported in
The order of arguments in is fixed
Modulation range is replaced with maximum and minimum heat output in
maximum,minimum, and nominal cooling output are also added to