Costing initiated #2

s_ranjbar merged 1 commits from costing into main 2024-05-01 15:19:52 -04:00

The classes and scripts of costs library are copied in scripts folder

fix: updating the energy system catalogue parameter importer

fix: units are fixed in the sizing and simulation modules

fix: adding costing workflow

feat: new function created to store current and new system analysis results

fix: updating the code to implement all the changes

feat: new attributes added to energy system catalogue

fix: samll bug in calculating capital cost of TES is solved

feat: a new method for calculating peak dhw demand is created in building class

fix: small bug in generation system class of CDM is fixed

fix: small issues in current system simulation and sizing modules are resolved

feat: new class called EnergySystemsSimulationFactory is created to handle all the system simulation models

fix: the operational cost class is modified and completed

fix: slight changes before merge

The classes and scripts of costs library are copied in scripts folder fix: updating the energy system catalogue parameter importer fix: units are fixed in the sizing and simulation modules fix: adding costing workflow feat: new function created to store current and new system analysis results fix: updating the code to implement all the changes feat: new attributes added to energy system catalogue fix: samll bug in calculating capital cost of TES is solved feat: a new method for calculating peak dhw demand is created in building class fix: small bug in generation system class of CDM is fixed fix: small issues in current system simulation and sizing modules are resolved feat: new class called EnergySystemsSimulationFactory is created to handle all the system simulation models fix: the operational cost class is modified and completed fix: slight changes before merge
s_ranjbar force-pushed costing from ef792aaafe to efac4c3948 2024-05-01 15:19:06 -04:00 Compare
s_ranjbar merged commit 1371dffb42 into main 2024-05-01 15:19:52 -04:00
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Reference: s_ranjbar/energy_system_modelling_workflow#2
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