2023-08-14 20:26:37 -04:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<encomp:EnergySystemCatalog xmi:version= "2.0" xmlns:xmi= "http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:xsi= "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:encomp= "https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/energycomponents" >
<energycomponent >
<media name= "Water" density= "981.0" heatCapacity= "4180.0" evaporationTemperature= "100.0" />
2023-08-16 15:58:49 -04:00
<boilers modelName= "ALP080B" manufacturer= "Alpine" installedThermalPower= "21.0" modulationRange= "0.88" nominalEfficiency= "0.95" combi= "true" fuel= "natural gas" />
<boilers modelName= "ALP105B" manufacturer= "Alpine" installedThermalPower= "28.0" modulationRange= "0.88" nominalEfficiency= "0.95" combi= "true" fuel= "natural gas" />
<boilers modelName= "ALP150B" manufacturer= "Alpine" installedThermalPower= "40.0" modulationRange= "0.88" nominalEfficiency= "0.95" combi= "true" fuel= "natural gas" />
<boilers modelName= "ALP210B" manufacturer= "Alpine" installedThermalPower= "57.0" modulationRange= "0.87" nominalEfficiency= "0.95" combi= "true" fuel= "natural gas" />
<boilers modelName= "ALTAC-136" manufacturer= "Alta" installedThermalPower= "33.0" modulationRange= "0.95" nominalEfficiency= "0.95" combi= "true" fuel= "natural gas" />
<boilers modelName= "ALTA-120" manufacturer= "Alta" installedThermalPower= "33.0" modulationRange= "0.95" nominalEfficiency= "0.95" combi= "true" fuel= "natural gas" />
<boilers modelName= "ASPN-085" manufacturer= "Aspen" installedThermalPower= "23.15" modulationRange= "0.97" nominalEfficiency= "0.96" fuel= "natural gas" />
<boilers modelName= "ASPN-110" manufacturer= "Aspen" installedThermalPower= "30.19" modulationRange= "0.96" nominalEfficiency= "0.96" fuel= "natural gas" />
<boilers modelName= "ASPNC-155" manufacturer= "Aspen" installedThermalPower= "42.5" modulationRange= "0.96" nominalEfficiency= "0.95" combi= "true" fuel= "natural gas" />
<boilers modelName= "K2WTC-135B" manufacturer= "K2" installedThermalPower= "32.8" modulationRange= "0.96" nominalEfficiency= "0.95" combi= "true" fuel= "natural gas" />
<boilers modelName= "K2WTC-180B" manufacturer= "K2" installedThermalPower= "49.5" modulationRange= "0.96" nominalEfficiency= "0.95" combi= "true" fuel= "natural gas" />
<photovoltaicModules modelName= "445MS" manufacturer= "Canadian Solar" nominalPower= "334.0" nominalEfficiency= "0.201" nominalRadiation= "800.0" STCRadiation= "1000.0" nominalCellTemperature= "41.0" STCCellTemperature= "26.0" nominalAmbientTemperature= "20.0" STCMaxPower= "445.0" CellTemperatureCoefficient= "-0.0034" height= "1.048" width= "2.01" />
2023-08-15 14:49:17 -04:00
<heatPumps modelName= "CMAA 012" description= "A second degree equation is used in form of A*T_source^2 + B*T_source + C*T_source*T_sup + D*T_sup + E*T_sup^2 + F" manufacturer= "TRANE" installedThermalPower= "51.7" modulationRange= "0.0" fuel= "Electricity" heatSource= "Air" nominalCOP= "3.32" maxHeatingSupTemperature= "55.0" minHeatingSupTemperature= "6.0" maxCoolingSupTemperature= "30.0" minCoolingSupTemperature= "11.0" supply_medium= "water" >
2023-08-14 20:26:37 -04:00
<coefficientOfPerformance xsi:type= "encomp:SecondDegreePolynomialFunction" parameter= "COP" parameterA= "9.5E-4" parameterB= "0.177" parameterC= "-0.00242" parameterD= "-0.155" parameterE= "9.3E-4" parameterF= "8.044" />
2023-08-15 14:49:17 -04:00
<heatPumps modelName= "CMAA 70" description= "A second degree equation is used in form of A*T_source^2 + B*T_source + C*T_source*T_sup + D*T_sup + E*T_sup^2 + F" manufacturer= "TRANE" installedThermalPower= "279.3" modulationRange= "0.0" fuel= "Electricity" heatSource= "Air" nominalCOP= "3.07" maxHeatingSupTemperature= "55.0" minHeatingSupTemperature= "6.0" maxCoolingSupTemperature= "30.0" minCoolingSupTemperature= "11.0" supply_medium= "water" >
2023-08-14 20:26:37 -04:00
<coefficientOfPerformance xsi:type= "encomp:SecondDegreePolynomialFunction" parameter= "COP" parameterA= "0.0011" parameterB= "0.207" parameterC= "-0.00292" parameterD= "-0.187" parameterE= "0.00121" parameterF= "8.95" />
2023-08-15 14:49:17 -04:00
<heatPumps modelName= "CMAA 140" description= "A second degree equation is used in form of A*T_source^2 + B*T_source + C*T_source*T_sup + D*T_sup + E*T_sup^2 + F" manufacturer= "TRANE" installedThermalPower= "279.3" modulationRange= "0.0" fuel= "Electricity" heatSource= "Air" nominalCOP= "3.46" maxHeatingSupTemperature= "55.0" minHeatingSupTemperature= "6.0" maxCoolingSupTemperature= "30.0" minCoolingSupTemperature= "11.0" supply_medium= "water" >
2023-08-14 20:26:37 -04:00
<coefficientOfPerformance xsi:type= "encomp:SecondDegreePolynomialFunction" parameter= "COP" parameterA= "0.00109" parameterB= "0.209" parameterC= "-0.00291" parameterD= "-0.172" parameterE= "0.00102" parameterF= "8.95" />
2023-08-16 19:33:18 -04:00
<thermalStorages modelName= "HF 200" manufacturer= "reflex" volume= "0.5" maxTemp= "95.0" insulationThickness= "90.0" tankThickness= "0" usesMedium= "Water" insulationMaterial= "Polyurethane" height= "1.5" tankMaterial= "Steel" />
<thermalStorages modelName= "HF 300" manufacturer= "reflex" volume= "0.6" maxTemp= "95.0" insulationThickness= "90.0" tankThickness= "0" usesMedium= "Water" insulationMaterial= "Polyurethane" height= "1.3" tankMaterial= "Steel" />
<thermalStorages modelName= "HF 500" manufacturer= "reflex" volume= "0.5" maxTemp= "95.0" insulationThickness= "90.0" tankThickness= "0" usesMedium= "Water" insulationMaterial= "Polyurethane" height= "1.5" tankMaterial= "Steel" />
<thermalStorages modelName= "HF 200" manufacturer= "reflex" volume= "0.5" maxTemp= "95.0" insulationThickness= "90.0" tankThickness= "0" usesMedium= "Water" insulationMaterial= "Polyurethane" height= "1.5" tankMaterial= "Steel" />
<thermalStorages modelName= "HF 200" manufacturer= "reflex" volume= "0.5" maxTemp= "95.0" insulationThickness= "90.0" tankThickness= "0" usesMedium= "Water" insulationMaterial= "Polyurethane" height= "1.5" tankMaterial= "Steel" />
2023-08-15 14:49:17 -04:00
<powerStorages />
2023-08-14 20:26:37 -04:00
<manufacturers name= "Alpine" country= "USA" />
<manufacturers name= "Alta" country= "USA" />
<manufacturers name= "Aspen" country= "USA" />
<manufacturers name= "K2" country= "USA" />
<manufacturers name= "TRANE" />
<manufacturers name= "reflex" />
2023-08-15 14:49:17 -04:00
<manufacturers name= "Canadian Solar" country= "Canada" />
2023-08-14 20:26:37 -04:00
<materials name= "Polyurethane" thermalConductivity= "0.028" />
2023-08-15 16:27:05 -04:00
<materials name= "Steel" thermalConductivity= "18.0" />
2023-08-14 20:26:37 -04:00
2023-08-16 16:28:20 -04:00
<energysystemconfiguration configurationName= "PvHpBoiler" >
2023-08-16 19:33:18 -04:00
<components >
<boilers modelName= "virtualBoiler" description= "template boiler north america" nominalEfficiency= "0.95" />
<photovoltaicModules modelName= "virtualPv" nominalEfficiency= "0.2" width= "1.0" height= "1.0" />
<heatPumps modelName= "virtualHp" fuel= "Electricity" heatSource= "Ground" nominalCOP= "2.5" supply_medium= "water" />
<demands name= "heating" />
<demands name= "electricity" />
<demands name= "domesticHotWater" />
2023-08-16 16:28:20 -04:00
2023-08-14 20:26:37 -04:00
<energysystemconfiguration configurationName= "hpTesBoiler" />
2023-08-16 19:33:18 -04:00
<energysystemconfiguration />
<energydemand name= "heating" />
<energydemand name= "domesticHotWater" />
<energydemand name= "electricity" />
<energydemand />
2023-08-14 20:26:37 -04:00
2023-08-16 19:33:18 -04:00